Totara Learn Open Discussions

Find Seminar Events?

Find Seminar Events?
BradleyCarla 发表于 2018年09月13日 Thursday 08:31
During the Seminars webinar I asked about Seminars not appearing in Find Learning. You mentione building a custom report and adding it as a tab in Find Learning. Can you speak more about how to accomplish that? Thanks!
Re: Find Seminar Events?
?? 发表于 2018年09月13日 Thursday 10:39

Hi Carla,

Sure thing! There are two parts to this. First, we'll build the report. Then we'll add a button in the Main Menu to get to it.

Go to Site admin > Reports > Report builder > Create reports. Create a new report using the report source Seminar Sessions. You'll want to add coumns Sessions Start Date/Time and Finish Date/Time and any other details you want the learners to see. Under the report Access tab, set the report to "All users can access this report" so everyone accessing the site can see it, or you can set limit to just people in certain roles like Authenticated User if only logged in users should be able to see the details. I recommend setting the Context to "user may have role in any context" if you decide to use specific roles like Learner, as the role is associated with the user only in relationship with that course.

Go ahead and view the report. You'll want to copy it's URL from the browser, it'll be something like: http://localhost/totaralearn-11/totara/reportbuilder/report.php?id=72

Now we create the menu item. Go to Site admin > Appearance > Main menu. Add a new menu item under the Parent Find Learning. For the Menu Default Address, paste in that URL from the report. Again you'll need to decide who gets to see this menu item, if it's everyone, then just leave the Visibility set to Show. Otherwise choose Use custom access rules and then what user roles can see the report. For mine, I did authenticated user for both the report and the main menu permissions.

If you get stuck on either of these, take a look at the following courses on Reports and Dashboards and Basic Theming.


Re: Find Seminar Events?
BradleyCarla 发表于 2018年09月14日 Friday 09:29

Thank you so much! This is very useful.