Totara Learn Open Discussions

No-activity time outs

? ?
No-activity time outs
von ? ? – Thursday, 27 September 2018, 3:35 PM


I am very new to the totara product but I have a dilemma already. We have published a course in Articulate rise which uses a pass/fail mark as the completion requirement. In the LMS we are required to have the no-activity timeout feature activated, however, once this is activated and the timeout is passing a result back to the LMS as a fail or not allowing the user to return to where they left off. Is there a way around this in the LMS? 

Thank you

Craig Eves
Re: No-activity time outs
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Monday, 8 October 2018, 7:20 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Lesley

I think I have replied to this one in another forum - can you try setting the SCORM package setting  'Auto-commit' to Yes. Under 

  1. Site administration >Plugins >Activity modules > SCORM package


? ?
Re: No-activity time outs
von ? ? – Tuesday, 16 October 2018, 2:55 PM
Hi Craig

Sorry for the delay in reply but we have been testing and your solution seems to have worked. Thank you so much for the advice. 
