Totara Learn Open Discussions

System Notification

Issa Ramadhani
System Notification
بواسطة Monday, 8 October 2018, 11:26 PM - Issa Ramadhani
Hi Team, Please allow me to ask this question, Is there any way we can do to enable system to send notification when user enrolled by Manual enrollment method? and another question goes to Totara core member, I want to know all procedure and requirement to be vendor of totara LMS, Regards.
Tom Ireland
Re: System Notification
بواسطة Wednesday, 10 October 2018, 1:59 AM - Tom Ireland
مجموعة Totara

Hi, Issa

Currently it's not possible to send a welcome message to users who are manually enrolled onto a course. We do have a feature request in our tracker to include this functionality, although we're not actively developing it right now.

Please take a look at this feature forum topic and vote for it to let us know this is something you would like to see developed. We are keen to gather any use-cases for the feature, so if you have any specific scenarios where you see this functionality being beneficial which you're willing to share with us, please let us know.

In regard to your question about being a Totara core member, are you saying you're interested in becoming a Totara Subscriber? We have a number of Partners in your area which would be able to help you further. I'd recommend checking out our Partners page, have a look through the list of Partners to see who might be best suited in regard to your requirements and reach out to them to see how they might be able to help.

If you work in a particular sector of business, it's also worth looking at our Case Studies page which will give you an idea on Partners who specialise in your area and what work they have done as well.

I hope the above is useful!


Tom, Totara Support.

Andy Kirk
Re: System Notification
بواسطة Monday, 15 October 2018, 6:17 AM - Andy Kirk

Hi Issa

If you would like to apply to Become a Totara Partner, please drop me a note at (or via the contact page in the become a Totara Partner link) and I will be happy to send you details about it.

If it is more suitable for you to simply connect with an existing Totara partner, here is a list of our regional partners who would be happy to discuss your requirements.