Totara Learn Open Discussions

Wiki Activity Template for Guided Notes

? ?
Wiki Activity Template for Guided Notes
di ? ? - Tuesday, 30 October 2018, 07:21

Is there a way to include a pre-formatted outline or template when using the Wiki activity in individual mode? I am looking for a way to allow learners to take individual guided notes during a training. I want to have an outlined structure to get them started but then they can fill in their own notes. The wiki activity seemed like the best way to achieve this, but please let me know if there is another option in Totara that will achieve this. 

Thank you!

Craig Eves
Re: Wiki Activity Template for Guided Notes
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 5 November 2018, 16:10
Gruppo Totara

Hi Genna

I tried using the individual wiki for adding but then you lose access to the template file for the course. If you use collaborative mode then other users will see your changes to the wiki page.  

My idea is to create a collaborative wiki for the course content and  the learner can copy the content to their individual wiki so they can make comments there.

The permissions for the collaborative wiki for the learner role can be adjusted so the learners are not able to change the content. To change the permissions select the collaborative wiki > Wiki administration > Permissions and take off the learner role for Save wiki pages, Add comments to pages and Create new wiki pages.

Once the content has been copied by the learners and pasted into their individual wiki then  comments can be put beside the content
