Totara Learn Open Discussions

Record of Learning Progress shows 0%

? ?
Record of Learning Progress shows 0%
by ? ? - Tuesday, 20 November 2018, 2:28 AM

Hi. On the Record of Learning the course progress only shows 0% or 100%, the latter being when a course is completed; the Progress stays at 0% even when the course has been started  - so it gives the impression the learner has not even started the course. If the leaner is on the course page the 'Course completion status' box does show as 'In progress', but this 0% Progress on the Record of learning page is going to make users query why it is not showing they are in progress, or a % other than 0.

course progress status

Craig Eves
Re: Record of Learning Progress shows 0%
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 20 November 2018, 2:41 PM
Group Totara

Hi Nigel

Is this the Courses tab that you  are looking at on the Record of Learning. 

The course progress is calculated based on the course completion settings in the course. If there are three activities that are required to complete and they have completed one activity then the progress should show as 33%. this was introduced in version 10 of Totara.


? ?
Re: Record of Learning Progress shows 0%
by ? ? - Wednesday, 21 November 2018, 12:15 AM

Hi Craig

Thanks for the reply. I came across something else very late last night that then made me realise what this progress bar actually was for, so I now understand it and what you say above. Totara is new to me (had a different LMS before) and at the moment all the course pages are only for one piece of elearning/activity and I was looking for a 'progress' to be 'in progress' when the elearning had been started (but not complete). I know I can see 'in progress' on the Course page, but from a learner point of view being able to see the same status on the learning page made sense to me. Is there any way to do this ... have an 'in progress' on the Record of Learning page, when the one elearning has been started but not completed?

Craig Eves
Re: Record of Learning Progress shows 0%
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 22 November 2018, 4:33 PM
Group Totara

Hi Nigel

The 'In progress' is a course status - the course status field is not one that is available in the Record of Learning report . This is available in the course completion report.

The course progress measures the percentage of the course activities that have been totally completed so the in progress ones don't count.

It is possible to add an activity in the course that has a completion criteria of viewing the activity . This activity can then be added as a course completion criteria so would show some progress on ROL for viewing an activity.
