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Finding Course in Programs

Finding Course in Programs
ZelinskayaMarina 发表于 2018年11月27日 Tuesday 07:19


Does anyone know of a simple way (or as simple as it can get) of finding out what different programs a specific course is a part of?  I need to replace a course with a newer version, and it appears that this course was added to a bunch of different programs, so I'm looking for a way to make sure that I don't miss any.

Thank you,

Marina Zelinskaya

Re: Finding Course in Programs
WoodTom 发表于 2018年11月29日 Thursday 09:13
小组 Totara

Hi Marina,

Yes this should be possible using the Program Overview report source and the inclusion of the Course Short Name column option.

When you view this report it will list each Program on the site and detail the courses that are contained within that program.

There isn't any way to filter this report source based on the Course short names, however I imagine it should be simple to use your browser's "Find" tool to search and highlight all instances of a particular course.

I hope this helps,

