Totara Learn Open Discussions

HTML formating of messages available in Totara 11?

Stjepan Werft
HTML formating of messages available in Totara 11?
par Stjepan Werft, Wednesday 12 December 2018, 01:38

Dear all,

is it true that sending messages in Totara 11 can't be HTML formatted?

To be more precise, we need to send a bulk messaging to our participants and need to format text in different colors and also add hyperlinks to our courses in LMS. It appears that the messaging function does not allow such editing, unless we use HTML tags directly in the content of the message.

Do you have the same situation or there are ways to edit the message before sending? I remember that this kind of editing was present in the earlier versions of Totara.

Thank you!


? ?
Re: HTML formating of messages available in Totara 11?
par ? ?, Wednesday 12 December 2018, 03:01

Stjepan, are you limited to using messages? Would an announcements forum be an option for sending comms out?

Stjepan Werft
Re: HTML formating of messages available in Totara 11?
par Stjepan Werft, Wednesday 12 December 2018, 04:06

We are not limited, but there is one requirement... participants need to get an email message in their inbox.

Any ideas?

? ?
Re: HTML formating of messages available in Totara 11?
par ? ?, Wednesday 12 December 2018, 04:58
Announcements are a special type of forum with forced subscription. All user inboxes get hit by an email with every post. The post remains at the announcements board, so you can link to it too.
Stjepan Werft
Re: HTML formating of messages available in Totara 11?
par Stjepan Werft, Thursday 13 December 2018, 02:28

This sounds interesting for our purpose.

Can you give me some pointers on how to implement it? Or link where I can find out more and see some examples?

Thank you!!!

? ?
Re: HTML formating of messages available in Totara 11?
par ? ?, Thursday 13 December 2018, 05:12

Hi Stjepan,

Any forum can be set to Forced Subscription. Once that setting is active, every post to that forum triggers email to all users enrolled in the course where that forum sits. Obviously you want to limit this forum so that only staff have permissions to post.

Every new course, when created, comes by default with an Announcements forum, which does the job - it is set to Forced Subscription and role-limited for Learners.

Please see for more info.

Stjepan Werft
Re: HTML formating of messages available in Totara 11?
par Stjepan Werft, Tuesday 18 December 2018, 01:06


thank you so much for the pointers.

Would you be able to show me how this work on some example?

I'm open to connect with you over Skype or some other platform.

? ?
Re: HTML formating of messages available in Totara 11?
par ? ?, Tuesday 18 December 2018, 07:39

Hi Stjepan,

Every new course comes with an Announcements board by default. There isn't much you need to do other than create a new course and ensure you don't delete Announcements.

Head over to the sandbox and see an example - It is a brand new course, empty, with nothing added or changed, and with the Announcements board already in place at the top of the course page, with forced subscriptions.

Stjepan Werft
Re: HTML formating of messages available in Totara 11?
par Stjepan Werft, Wednesday 19 December 2018, 04:55

Hi Antonio,

is it possible to add Announcement Forum in the course already populated with modules/content?

? ?
Re: HTML formating of messages available in Totara 11?
par ? ?, Wednesday 19 December 2018, 06:26

It depends on your setup, but I believe so, you would have to create a forum with forced subscription and with the Learner role removed from any permissions that allow creating posts.

Re: HTML formating of messages available in Totara 11?
par David Shaw, Thursday 20 December 2018, 01:50

Yes you can, but you don't add it as an activity in the normal way.  It's built into the course format so if you are not seeing an 'Announcement' forum on the course page you need to go to 'edit course settings' and set the 'number of announcements' setting under the 'appearance' section to something more than 0.

It should then appear on your course page.



Stjepan Werft
Re: HTML formating of messages available in Totara 11?
par Stjepan Werft, Thursday 20 December 2018, 02:43

Thank you guys, I'll do test it and give my feedback back here.

Stjepan Werft
Re: HTML formating of messages available in Totara 11?
par Stjepan Werft, Wednesday 2 January 2019, 00:24

Thank you, I managed to activate the forum.

If I make it invisible to Learners, the messages will still be dispatched?

Stjepan Werft
Re: HTML formating of messages available in Totara 11?
par Stjepan Werft, Friday 11 January 2019, 01:28

Thanks guys, all is working nicely.

One thing to share: the announcement forum must be visible, in order for audience sync to work.