Totara Learn Open Discussions

Direct enrolment into Programs

Neil Hellewell
Direct enrolment into Programs
von Neil Hellewell – Wednesday, 19 December 2018, 12:41 PM

Hi there. Loving the look of the new Totara 12. One question that I have is actually around the Totara Academy site - I see that when I went to enrol into the Totara administrator programme - I was able to self enrol using an enrolment plug in. Is this available in Totara 12 (can't see it mentioned anywhere) and is there any information about it? If not how would we go about getting the plugin - if it is available, as this functionality has been at the top of our 'wish-list' for a very long time.

Meri Kirihimete me te Hape Nū Ia  / Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Neil, Nurse Educator CDHB

Jordan Ash
Re: Direct enrolment into Programs
von Jordan Ash – Wednesday, 19 December 2018, 7:39 PM
Gruppe TotaraGruppe TXP Site Administrator
Hi Neil,

The enrolment page you see is actually a course enrolment page. The course is a single activity course with the activity being a link to our program dashboard.

Once a user enrolls on the course it is marked as complete which puts the user into an audience. This audience is then enrolled in the program.

Let me know if you would like to know anything else about how this is set up.

Neil Hellewell
Re: Direct enrolment into Programs
von Neil Hellewell – Sunday, 13 January 2019, 6:36 PM

Hi Jordon - sorry have been away on leave.

Some more information would be great if you can.

So far as I understand it

  • I need to create a course with a link (just a plain hyperlink with a completion associated on it?)
  • Then once the course is 'completed' you are added to an audience
  • The audience then enrols you in to a program, and assigns you a dashboard which is laid out using the tile blocks to the different courses within the program
  • The course shows as complete on a record of learning
  • Whenever you click on the course - you get redirected to the dashboard somehow

I think the only thing I don't understand is the single activity link that makes it look as if the course is not there



Jordan Ash
Re: Direct enrolment into Programs
von Jordan Ash – Monday, 14 January 2019, 4:36 PM
Gruppe TotaraGruppe TXP Site Administrator
That's all correct Neil,

When adding a course make sure you set the course format as the single activity format with the type of activity set as the URL activity. In the activity you need to set the URL here to be the URL of your dashboard.

The activity should be marked as complete when it is viewed and the course should be marked as complete when the activity is completed.

Completing the course adds a learner into a dynamic audience that is automatically enrolled in the program.

Jessica Smith
Re: Direct enrolment into Programs
von Jessica Smith – Wednesday, 6 February 2019, 11:50 AM

Hello, Jordan,

Does this do the same thing as adding a program in one of your learning plans?

Thank you!

Neil Hellewell
Re: Direct enrolment into Programs
von Neil Hellewell – Wednesday, 6 February 2019, 12:43 PM

Hi Jessica

Yes - it seems to. We will probably roll this process out as part of our next upgrade. Thrilled to see a different way to get out staff into programs, without managers being required to assign then into a learning plan - or out current method which is staff assigning themselves a programme - and that is really tricky trying to teach them how to do this.

We are just coming up with a naming convention for the enrolment courses.

Although the process that Jordan uses, includes using a dashboard to display the program - we are thinking of just linking to the program itself.

Very innovative approach which is very appreciated :-)

Carla Bradley
Re: Direct enrolment into Programs
von Carla Bradley – Monday, 11 February 2019, 7:32 AM

Hi. I have a follow-up question for this. For this work-around, there will be a course that shows as complete on the Record of Learning when the user hasn't done anything but get enrolled into a program.

Is there a way to hide the "dummy" course from the Record of Learning? Our people would be quite confused by the completion record.

Re: Direct enrolment into Programs
von George Angus – Monday, 11 February 2019, 5:15 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Carla,

There are two ways to tackling this as I see it. One would be to use the Course completion editor and manually wiping the completion record, the other might be to rename the dummy course something like 'Program sign on' or 'Begin Program'-  a name which indicates the course isn't education or training, but functional.



Carla Bradley
Re: Direct enrolment into Programs
von Carla Bradley – Tuesday, 12 February 2019, 12:11 PM

Thanks, George. I got around to trying this today. You said in the original explanation that the course is a single-activity course that completes upon enrollment. Question: What is the activity type?

Neil Hellewell
Re: Direct enrolment into Programs
von Neil Hellewell – Tuesday, 12 February 2019, 12:59 PM

Hi Carla - a URL activity

Need to set the completion criteria of the URL to "complete when viewed" and the course completion criteria also needs to be set.

I have the URL directed to the Program itself, but the Totara academy directs learners to a pre-built dashboard that is used to link to the different courses in the program

Carla Bradley
Re: Direct enrolment into Programs
von Carla Bradley – Tuesday, 12 February 2019, 12:36 PM

Forget the question above. I can see now it is a URL link to the program dashboard. But while I'm familiar with program setups and program pages, I'm unfamiliar with program dashboards and how to manipulate them.

And what exactly is the course completion criteria. The only things that  I see that might work are enrollment duration, but the lowest is a day, and then activity completion, which I suppose the user would have toclick the link to the program dashboard to complete the course and be enrolled in the program. 

Is this correct? This is a bit more confusing that it seemed like it would be, haha!