Totara Learn Open Discussions

Workshop over consecutive days

Simon Hall
Workshop over consecutive days
di Simon Hall - Tuesday, 5 February 2019, 15:29


We are running face to face sessions (workshops) over 2 or 3 consecutive days (ie Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the same week).

When creating the session, I have included the three separate dates using the "add date" button. This allows me to publish the individual times for each day. See attached screenshots (I have included 2 different options).

However, this results in two annoying situations:

- when downloading activity completion records in Excel, every user comes up 3 times, once for each date

- the manager is receiving 3 separate notifications of attending training, one for each day.

What are the recommendations for managing this? Are we best just to have one course date over the 3 days, and publish the actual times in the details section? Or do we just live with it?

We are currently using Totara 2.9.

Thanks, Simon

Craig Eves
Re: Workshop over consecutive days
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 10 February 2019, 17:44
Gruppo Totara

Hi Simon

The reason why there are three notifications sent out is some email programs require a separate email to be sent so that it can be added correctly to the Calendar. There is an option to send one message per day that you can use if you are not using this for adding into an external calendar.

If this option isn't suitable then your suggestion of adding one session date sounds and adding timingin the details section is OK
