Totara Learn Open Discussions

Activity completion notification

Activity completion notification
LandriganJames 发表于 2019年02月5日 Tuesday 22:59

Hi All,

Is it possible in Totara 10 to notify a trainer when a learner in their group completes a specific activity? 

Many thanks,


Craig Eves
Re: Activity completion notification
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2019年02月7日 Thursday 15:08
小组 Totara

Hi James

Some activities such as Assignments already have this 

For the activities that don't then setting up Event moniotring rules and subscribing to these should achieve this.


Re: Activity completion notification
LandriganJames 发表于 2019年02月7日 Thursday 17:26

Thanks Craig,

That's what I'm after. Is there any way to auto-subscribe all trainers in a course to a particular event?


Re: Activity completion notification
LandriganJames 发表于 2019年02月7日 Thursday 18:23

Hi Again,

I may have spoken too soon. I have run into two issues.

  1. Event monitoring doesn't seem to take any notice of groups i.e. A trainer is notified when any user completes an activity.
  2. It also doesn't seem to tell the trainer which user completed the activity just that a user did.
 Is this correct?

