Totara Learn Open Discussions

Landing page by audience / v12 grid catalogue by audience

Paul Tottle
Landing page by audience / v12 grid catalogue by audience
par Paul Tottle, Tuesday 12 February 2019, 18:32


I've been hunting through documentation to no avail. Any suggestions welcome...

Re: Landing page

Is it possible to have the first landing page on login defined by audience? For example if the organisation has three units and instead of going  to the front page, they go to one of three dashboards?

Re: v12 Grid catalogue

Looking through the v12 documentation I can't see a way to deliver different grid catalogues to each unit audience (ie needing different courses/tags/filters). Is that possible? We could use one catalogue with a tag for the unit audience, but each unit also has distinctly different tag needs.



(v2.9 upgrading this year to v12)

? ?
Re: Landing page by audience / v12 grid catalogue by audience
par ? ?, Friday 15 February 2019, 13:15

Hi Paul,

There's a few steps in the process, but I think you'll be able to use Dashboards to accomplish what you're looking for. You can setup a custom dashboard for each group of users that they will see after they login.

You'll want to create Audiences for the groups you want to have Dashboards for, based on the organisation they are a part of. Then create the Dashboards you want users to see after they login. 

On the grid catalogue, the structure is the same for everyone, but you can use Audience-based visibility to limit courses, programs, and certifications to only be visible to those users who are a part of the chosen audience(s).

I would recommend taking the Audiences, Dashboards, and Catalogue courses to learn about each of those features, as there have been a lot of changes since 2.9.



Paul Tottle
Re: Landing page by audience / v12 grid catalogue by audience
par Paul Tottle, Monday 18 February 2019, 11:57

Thank you for your reply Wesley.

I will take those courses.

Is the user's dashboard home page the same as the site's initial landing page for that user? (ie the user never sees the totara front page). That's the effect I'm looking for. 
