Totara Learn Open Discussions

Logo size in Totara 12

Mikael Salonen
Logo size in Totara 12
von Mikael Salonen – Wednesday, 27 February 2019, 4:01 AM

I managed to change the logo size in Totara 11, but that CSS-snippet does not work in 12.

Anyone who knows how to change the logo size in Totara 12?

Re: Logo size in Totara 12
von George Angus – Wednesday, 27 February 2019, 5:08 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Mikael,

I thought I'd paste Tom's reply to you from our Helpdesk in case any community members would like to see the solution:

By design the navbar resizes the logo image to a height of 22 pixels which fits nicely without taking up screen space. Image width is unlimited, so to achieve optimal results it is advised to use a horizontal variant of your logo.

If you want to display a logo taller than 22 pixels, you can override the default settings as a theme customisation.

The instructions are as follows:

1. Go to 'Site administration > Appearance > Themes > [theme_name]'.

2. Scroll down to 'Custom CSS' and past the following code:

.totaraNav_prim .masthead_logo--header_img

{height: 50px; padding: 10px; max-width: 100%}

The numbers above are open to change of course.

This will allow for the navbar to expand around the custom logo height, which is 50px in the above example.

Please note we are not encouraging use of this customisation, however it should work well on most sites, so you should use it at your own discretion.

Best practice for preparing the logo image would be to use a horizontal logo, or create a horizontal variant if you do not have one already. The recommended file formats would be SVG / PNG (transparent).



Mikael Salonen
Re: Logo size in Totara 12
von Mikael Salonen – Wednesday, 27 February 2019, 10:25 PM

Thanks, George :-)