Totara Learn Open Discussions

Course Page Accordian

Jacqui Lemon
Course Page Accordian
بواسطة Monday, 11 March 2019, 5:28 PM - Jacqui Lemon

Hello, I am working in Totara 9 and am creating a new course with a number of activities.  Can I compress the information accordion style,  so each activity can be expanded to see the descripton and then compressed again? 

Craig Eves
Re: Course Page Accordian
بواسطة Tuesday, 12 March 2019, 6:41 PM - Craig Eves (Totara Support)
مجموعة Totara

Hi Jacqui

There are a number of ways that course navigation can be improved within Totara or with plugins

The accordian of topics is a current feature request TL-17223  this is waiting to tie in with how our mobile app being developed is going to implement this.

There are some third party pluigins that do this that work but they not guaranteed to keep working or be supported unless they part of Totara core.

Currently adding a navigation or section links block to your course may help navigation. Another possibility adding Access restrictions to topics or activities so they are only visible once the specified conditions have been met.


Jordan Ash
Re: Course Page Accordian
بواسطة Wednesday, 13 March 2019, 5:15 AM - Jordan Ash
مجموعة Totaraمجموعة TXP Site Administrator

Hi Jacqi,

The accordion was developed as part of a custom theme for the community and academy site, which turns each topic on a course page into an accordion.

Attached is a snippet that you should be able to drop into an existing theme. If you don’t have a theme, we have a guide on how to set one up:

You’ll need to do a couple of things on a non-production site:

  1. Open “format-topics.js" and “format_topics_renderer.php” and change every occurrence of {theme_name} with your theme’s name
  2. Add “format_topics.less” into their theme’s “less/totara.less” file.
  3. You need to follow the setup steps of
    1. Install Node and NPM:
    2. Open up your Totara Installation in a command line
    3. Run "npm install -g grunt-cli" — this installs grunt, our build tool
    4. Run "npm install" — this installs Totara’s local dependencies
  4. Run “grunt" — This creates the build (this is where it diverges from the above document, which recommends runnings "grunt css". We need to build javascript as well)

After that, you can copy your theme directory onto a live site, and use it.



Its me Rahul
Re: Course Page Accordian
بواسطة Monday, 27 May 2019, 12:54 AM - Rahul Kumar

Hi Jordon and Craig, 

This accordion would also work in basis theme totara version 11 or it is only for totara version 12 ?

I am looking forward to hearing from you  :)



? ?
Re: Course Page Accordian
بواسطة Monday, 27 May 2019, 9:37 PM - ? ?

We have a bit of script that might be what you are looking for.

Its me Rahul
Re: Course Page Accordian
بواسطة Tuesday, 28 May 2019, 12:20 AM - Rahul Kumar

Hi Belinda, 

Yes sure I would like to know about script .



Kai Hockenberger
Re: Course Page Accordian
بواسطة Thursday, 30 April 2020, 4:44 AM - Kai Hockenberger

Hello Belinda,

I would also be very happy to receive your script.

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards and stay healthy
