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Server files location

Its me Rahul
Server files location
KumarRahul 发表于 2019年04月11日 Thursday 01:46

Hi Mates, 

Does any one have any idea where I can locate these folder on server. 

I have tired to search for it but no success .

waiting to hear from you guys


Craig Eves
Re: Server files location
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2019年04月11日 Thursday 16:27
小组 Totara

Hi Rahul

Are you trying to find the files on the database ?

The files on the database are stored using a hash value stored in the files database table. This hashing helps to validate the file and also prevent collisions.

The full process of storing files is detailed here 


Its me Rahul
Re: Server files location
KumarRahul 发表于 2019年04月12日 Friday 00:25
Hi Carig, 

Thanks for the clarification. Its work :)