Totara Learn Open Discussions

Reporting tools

Stephen Catton
Reporting tools
CattonStephen 发表于 2019年04月25日 Thursday 02:03

Hello folks. Forgive me if this has already been answered.

Are there any 3rd party plugins that make it easier to generate reports?

I have spent hours trying to do something like below

Per module – number of delegates that have completed it in a Dept. i.e. 7 out of 10.

Any help would be greatly received.



Re: Reporting tools
LawrenceRay 发表于 2019年04月25日 Thursday 05:16
小组 Partners

Hi Stephen,

Feel free to contact me about this. Either email or via our main number on 0330 660 1111.

Stephen Catton
Re: Reporting tools
CattonStephen 发表于 2019年04月26日 Friday 07:43

Hello Ray

Great to hear from you. I hope all is well.

Thank you for your offer of support. I have managed to discover how to create the report. Now i know how to do it, it is easy :-)

Kind regards
