Totara Learn Open Discussions

TinyMCE Editor

Its me Rahul
TinyMCE Editor
بواسطة Friday, 26 April 2019, 3:34 AM - Rahul Kumar

Hi Mates , 

I would like to know that does totara learn support tinymce editor and if totara does support Tinymce  so what is the major difference between atto and tinymce, please anybody can guide on this topic.

I have read Here that tinymce was in used in older version of totara.

Have a good weekend 

Thank you in advance 


Craig Eves
Re: TinyMCE Editor
بواسطة Sunday, 28 April 2019, 3:44 PM - Craig Eves (Totara Support)
مجموعة Totara

Hi Kumar

The TinyMCE editor was removed from version 10 upwards of Totara because it doesn't work with the new Totara forms and it is unmaintained and might contain security bugs. 
We don't recommend installing TinyMCE but to use the Atto text editor as this is maintained and has additional functionality and works with modern browsers. 
It is possible to customise the Atto editor to include extra features on the Toolbar such as font color Site Admin > Plugins > Text editors > Manage editors > Atto toolbar settings 
is there a particular feature that you want that was included in the TinyMCE editor that is missing in Atto? 


Its me Rahul
Re: TinyMCE Editor
بواسطة Friday, 3 May 2019, 1:26 AM - Rahul Kumar
Thank you for the clarification Carig.

One of our customer would like to have rtc recorder plugin in editor. I have tested on my local solution it is working fine but we are afraid to recommend that to our customer because it might lead many complication in their solution in the future

