Totara Learn Open Discussions

download forum transcript

Its me Rahul
download forum transcript
von Rahul Kumar – Tuesday, 30 April 2019, 6:18 AM

Hello Mates, 

I would like to know that  is it possible download all the comment has been posted on forum top, so I would like to download forum transcript.

Thank you in advance 

Have a  nice day



Craig Eves
Re: download forum transcript
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Tuesday, 30 April 2019, 8:13 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Rahul

It is possible to export a discussion to a portfolio.

You need to enable File down download for Portfolios under Site admin > Plugins> portfolios > Manage Portfolios.

Go into the forum - and select Export whole discussion to portfolio.

Choose html format and you get a file with the message text included.


Its me Rahul
Re: download forum transcript
von Rahul Kumar – Friday, 3 May 2019, 1:11 AM

Dear Carig, 

Thank you so much for your kind help :)

It was really help and exactly resemble what I want to achieve.

