Totara Learn Open Discussions

Custom Certificate plugin

Stephen Catton
Custom Certificate plugin
door Stephen Catton - Friday, 3 May 2019, 06:36 AM

Hello Folks

We have installed the Custom Certificate plugin and are finding that copies of awarded certificates are being emailed out to users with the system role of "Site Manager" role.

Has anyone else had this and do they know why it is happening and what to do about it.?

Thanks in advance


? ?
Re: Custom Certificate plugin
door ? ? - Thursday, 9 May 2019, 10:04 AM

Hi Stephen,

Is that a third party plugin from the Moodle plugins directory? Given the lack of responses, we may not have any partners/subscribers using it. May I ask what functionality the plugin allows that the standard Certificate activity doesn't have?


Stephen Catton
Re: Custom Certificate plugin
door Stephen Catton - Monday, 13 May 2019, 02:51 AM

Hi Wesley

It allows us to match the existing current certificate and gives us more flexibility. I can use the current certificate as the background and easily place the fields for name etc where I want. I can save them as templates for re-use making them fast to apply. See attached. 

I can't see how to do any of these in the normal Certificate activity. 

there is talk in Moodle for the plugin to replace the built-in one.

