Totara Learn Open Discussions

Final Grade not showing

James Landrigan
Final Grade not showing
על ידי James Landrigan בתאריך 15/05/2019, 17:47


Please help. I have some final assignment grades not showing up in the grade book. In the attached screenshot you can see the assignment has been graded with a score of 1 but there is nothing in the final grade column. This course was restored from a Moodle instance last year but this situation is not happening to all users. Is there a setting I am missing?

Many thanks


P.S I'm on Totara 10

Craig Eves
Re: Final Grade not showing
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 16/05/2019, 15:58
קבוצה Totara

Hi James

The grade from the assignment should be added to the Final grade of the gradebook providing the user is in a graded role for the course (learner) - check the user is enrolled in the course as a learner.

Check under Site admin > Grades > General setting > Graded roles is for the role you want to record grades for.
