Totara Learn Open Discussions

Totara recording a passed score after a failed score from AICC and SCORM

Jessica Smith
Totara recording a passed score after a failed score from AICC and SCORM
par Jessica Smith, Friday 17 May 2019, 16:13


We have both SCORM web-based courses and AICC packages and pip calls for online content. We have them all built in to the SCORM activity. We are having an issue with a user failing the activity and then passing. Totara is not recognizing the pass after the fail. It doesn't update the state of that activity completion. If they pass the first time, they're good. Otherwise, they can never get a completion and we have to mark them complete manually. Can you tell us if there's a setting that needs to be turned on to allow this?

Thank you!

Jessica Smith
Re: Totara recording a passed score after a failed score from AICC and SCORM
par Jessica Smith, Friday 17 May 2019, 16:16

I forgot to mention that we are on version 11.

Re: Totara recording a passed score after a failed score from AICC and SCORM
par George Angus, Monday 20 May 2019, 17:46
Groupe Totara

Hi Jessica,

On the face of it this sounds like an Attempts management issue.  What do you have here?

