Totara Learn Open Discussions

Audience 'v' Hierarchy Future-proofing

? ?
Audience 'v' Hierarchy Future-proofing
de ? ? - Monday, 27 de May de 2019, 19:33

Hi All

We are a not-for-profit, we currently have all our set up in Totara v9. We now want to give access to some of our courses to Foster Carers, they are not our employees. 

Are we best to use an audience or a separate hierarchy? 

We want to be able to report on their completions but we don't want them to appear in the reports covering our employees. We would also like to be able to connect the foster carers to their key worker in the current organisational structure.

Any thoughts


? ?
Re: Audience 'v' Hierarchy Future-proofing
de ? ? - Monday, 3 de June de 2019, 12:23

Hi Belinda, 

Great question! It sounds like you might want to use both hierarchies and audiences.

Using two hierarchies will allow you to keep users separated when it comes to the reporting side. A Foster Carer hierarchy's users won't show up in your main organisation user's reports where your reports use Content Controls and look at the user's organisation.

Also using an audience is useful because then you can assign users the appropriate subset of course work via Audience-based visibility and enrollment settings. An audience can be as simple as setting a dynamic audience up with the rule 'All users from organisation X and it's children are members'.



? ?
Re: Audience 'v' Hierarchy Future-proofing
de ? ? - Wednesday, 5 de June de 2019, 14:18

Thanks Wes

Do you know if you can link people from one hierarchy to a person in a different one? The people who act as Foster carers have a key social worker, the social workers are part of our organisational hierarchy.



? ?
Re: Audience 'v' Hierarchy Future-proofing
de ? ? - Wednesday, 5 de June de 2019, 15:02

Hi Belinda,

What does the key social worker need access to do? If someone is in a separate hierarchy, you wouldn't see them on your reports. However, if you wanted access to see their course completion status, mark their competencies, and/or be able to assign them Seminars to attend, you could make the Social Worker the "Staff Manager" for the learner on their profile. Totara won't care what hierarchy the person is in, and it would give you the ability to have the Social Worker/Manager be able to run reports on the people they manage. 

I'd recommend talking to your Totara Partner, as they may have more ideas based on your specific needs as to what configuration would be best and most sensible for your team to manage,


? ?
Re: Audience 'v' Hierarchy Future-proofing
de ? ? - Wednesday, 5 de June de 2019, 22:24

Thanks Wes, through some trial and error (in our test site) we have been able to get the outcome we were looking for - woo hooo.