Totara Social Open Discussions

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Tuesday, 9 July 2019, 7:44 AM
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Lars Hyland
Re: Modificiation of the back-end code
von Lars Hyland – Tuesday, 9 July 2019, 8:32 AM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Maarten,

The Totara platform is available through our partner network - depending on your organisation's needs and location you can choose from this list on our website. Partners have expertise that can customise and extend the functionality of the core platform to meet specific needs. They can also offer other services such as hosting, configuration and learning content. The annual subscription fee ensures your organisation has access to new features and security updates which can be applied by your chosen partner. In short, contact one of our partners and they will be able to provide specific guidance on next steps.



P.S. This forum is actually focused on our Totara Social product - for Totara Learn discussions see here.