Totara Learn Open Discussions

Content Marketplace Options

Alex Carrick
Content Marketplace Options
von Alex Carrick – Wednesday, 10 July 2019, 9:57 AM
Gruppe Partners
I've been researching into the Content Marketplace and the documentation says:

Content marketplaces are plugins that can be installed on your site.  Currently Totara Learn only features the GO1 marketplace, however Totara Partners or other content providers can implement their own marketplace plugins within Totara.

Has there been any conversations on if there are any other marketplace plugins/partnerships coming?  Is there any documentation around how a partner would create their own marketplace plugin?

I know others have talked about Linkedin Learning solutions and wondering if this might be worth exploring.
Simon Coggins
Re: Content Marketplace Options
von Simon Coggins – Monday, 22 July 2019, 5:16 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Alex,

I've written up some documentation on the process of implementing a content marketplace plugin here:

We don't know of anyone actively developing a plugin for Linkedin Learning at this point in time though that would be a good addition.
