Totara Learn Open Discussions

User Permission

Issa Ramadhani
User Permission
von Issa Ramadhani – Saturday, 20 July 2019, 1:57 AM

Hi Team,

I have created a new role in my system,

And i created user Audience, my problem comes when i want to assign the created role to this audience i cant find in the list, 

Please assist where i do wrong,


Craig Eves
Re: User Permission
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Sunday, 21 July 2019, 6:06 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Issa

For the audience to be able to assign a role - the new role needs to have system context allowed.

Check this is what you want to do as this will give this  role the permissions across the whole site - so if they have a permission to edit courses they will be able to edit courses across the whole site.


Issa Ramadhani
Re: User Permission
von Issa Ramadhani – Sunday, 21 July 2019, 10:29 PM
Hi Craig,

Thank you so much for your response,

Now problem sorted,
