Totara Learn Open Discussions

Inform other people about finishing a learning program

? ?
Inform other people about finishing a learning program
de ? ? - Thursday, 1 de August de 2019, 22:32

Hello everybody. 

Could anybody help me please? We have several learning programs in our company and I need to set also other people will be informed about finishing the program, not just the one who finished it.

There is part (in program setting, messages) where you can set also manager of recipient will get notice (but not really sure what "notice" is - is is also mail message or anything else?), but how to set, who will get it?

I need it like this - everytime will be inform superior of learner AND HR stuff.

Is it necessary to set manager for each person in his/hers profile? It is quite a lot manual work + I do not really HR to be set as manager for each person. 

And related point - what it means for the person when I set someone as his manager? Is there any specification?

Craig Eves
Re: Inform other people about finishing a learning program
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 4 de August de 2019, 19:38
Grupo Totara

Hi Helena

It is possible to send program messages to the learner and manager only.  There are various message types  including program completion. These are in the form of Alerts within Totara which can include emails.

Each learner will need to have a manager associated with them. To manage the manager assignment there is HR Import that allows user and organisational data to be bulk updated with a file.

Assigning a user a manager means the manager can be used for approval processes such as Appraisals, Learning plans, seminar approvals. The manager can also be given access to their staff details and access customised reports about their staff.


? ?
Re: Inform other people about finishing a learning program
de ? ? - Sunday, 4 de August de 2019, 22:18

Thank you for your answer