I'm familiar with adding new notification templates, however, I can't figure out how to set who receives the notificaiton (for instance, whether it's going to the learner or some other event role).
Totara Learn Open Discussions
HI Carla,
The bulk of notifications go to the learner by default without a way to specify for it to go to someone else instead. The places where you can send the notification so someone else as well are typically built into the feature and are role-based, for example Programs/Certifications can be sent to the Staff Manager, Appraisal notifications got to people based on their role in relation to the user Staff Manager, Appraiser, etc.
Are there particular notifications you're looking to direct? Which notifications and who would you like them to go to (someone based on role, assigned to a specific individual, etc)
For instance, we have a custom role for "print assignment." This is a person who has been assign to print materials for an event. Their notifications need to be different from the trainer, and sent to just that role.