Totara Learn Open Discussions

disable icalendar notificaitons

Carla Bradley
disable icalendar notificaitons
von Carla Bradley – Saturday, 17 August 2019, 1:54 PM

I've ready the threads regarding iCal and that some modifications are in progress for future release.

But for now, is there a way to disable all ical notifications -- both for the learner/manager AND event roles? The only admin setting I can find is "Disable iCalendar cancellations." 

I know they're inline with the notifications, but upon viewing the templates I can't see where I can remove them.


Craig Eves
Re: disable icalendar notificaitons
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Sunday, 18 August 2019, 5:27 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Carla

I can't see a setting to disable this under seminar global settings , activity or event defaults.

When a user signs-up to an event they are prompted how they would like to receive their confirmation with the default of email with iCalendar appointment.
