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Dit forumbericht is verwijderd
Wednesday, 4 September 2019, 00:44 AM
De inhoud van dit forumbericht is verwijderd en is niet langer toegankelijk.
Meredith Henson
Re: Activity restriction set bug
door Meredith Henson - Thursday, 5 September 2019, 04:06 AM
Groep Totara

Hi Vilma,

Thanks for posting.  Let's see if we can get this sorted for you!

It's a little hard to diagnose the issue from here, but could I check - when you say you 'cannot do the activity invisible until conditions are met' do you mean the little eye icon (shown below) doesn't work?  Are there other activities in the course you're working in that have completion criteria set?

restriction set

Not being able to delete the restriction set after the activity settings have been saved might be a bug?  Does the little red x not appear or does it just not work?

Many thanks!


Dit forumbericht is verwijderd
Thursday, 5 September 2019, 05:16 AM
De inhoud van dit forumbericht is verwijderd en is niet langer toegankelijk.
? ?
Re: Activity restriction set bug
door ? ? - Thursday, 5 September 2019, 07:13 AM

Just jumping in here to say we just experienced this very same thing.   I reported it to our vendor and they said; the custom theme file was hiding it.   They were able to fix it but don't know exactly how.  hope this helps.

Meredith Henson
Re: Activity restriction set bug
door Meredith Henson - Thursday, 5 September 2019, 09:18 AM
Groep Totara

Hi Vilma,

Hmmm....I'd suggest you have a chat with your supporting Partner - I don't think it's a permissions or configuration issue so perhaps there is a conflict with your theme and those icons?  Might be worth also checking with one of your colleagues and see if they are having the same issue?

Sorry I can't be any more help!

Dit forumbericht is verwijderd
Thursday, 5 September 2019, 23:32 PM
De inhoud van dit forumbericht is verwijderd en is niet langer toegankelijk.