Totara Learn Open Discussions

Show Hide Filters Depending on Category

? ?
Show Hide Filters Depending on Category
di ? ? - Thursday, 5 September 2019, 02:39


I am currently setting up a Totara platform. We have a wide range of categories and audience types. Is there a way to

  • hide an entire category depending on the audience (I know that you are able to hide a course depending on audience)
  • display filters depending on the category chosen - some of the filters we currently want to use are not relevant to all categories.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Meredith Henson
Re: Show Hide Filters Depending on Category
di Meredith Henson - Thursday, 5 September 2019, 06:22
Gruppo Totara

Hi Peter,

At this stage there isn't the ability to hide an entire category based on the audience, within the course catalogue, other than limiting visibility for all courses within the category.  There is a ticket for this enhancement (TL-5615) to add support for audience visibility setting for categories.  I'm afraid I don't have a timeframe for implementation at this stage, but you can check in with your partner for any updates.

As workaround in the meantime, you can create a custom role/access right, assign that role to members of an audience (via the Audiences editing area) and allow that role the ability to view that hidden category (within that category context)

overriding catagory permissions

Regarding your question regarding displaying filters depending on the category chosen - could I confirm, do you mean within the course catalogue?

Many thanks,


PS - Please see Roles Help Documentation for information about creating and assigning custom roles

? ?
Re: Show Hide Filters Depending on Category
di ? ? - Thursday, 5 September 2019, 07:26

Thanks Meredith, I appreciate you response. It's very helpful.

Regarding the Filters being displayed. Yes this is in the course catalogue. Some filters will only be required depending on the category selected, they will be irrelevant and potentially misleading in some categories. Its a Custom Field Filter 

Meredith Henson
Re: Show Hide Filters Depending on Category
di Meredith Henson - Thursday, 5 September 2019, 09:02
Gruppo Totara

Hi Peter,

Thanks for replying so quickly.  I'm afraid there's not currently a way to limit the visibility of different Filters by audience, however I've had a couple of partners ask exactly the same question recently so there is also a ticket for this item (TL-22245).

Best wishes


? ?
Re: Show Hide Filters Depending on Category
di ? ? - Thursday, 5 September 2019, 10:01

Thanks again Meredith - you help is really appreciated

? ?
Re: Show Hide Filters Depending on Category
di ? ? - Friday, 6 September 2019, 01:17

Hi Meredith,

The hiding of the category worked really well - thanks again for the tip. Can you tell me if there is a way to hide a sub-category? Currently I cant see the show/hide icon - I'm wondering if there is a setting somewhere that provides this?

Meredith Henson
Re: Show Hide Filters Depending on Category
di Meredith Henson - Saturday, 7 September 2019, 06:58
Gruppo Totara
Hi Peter,

If you hide a Parent category, the subcategory will be hidden as well.  You can set separate Permissions for the subcategory if required.

Hope this helps!