Totara Learn Open Discussions

New Versions of Courses/ Programs and Certificates

New Versions of Courses/ Programs and Certificates
CapponiBianca 发表于 2019年09月18日 Wednesday 00:25

Hi all, 

I'm interested to hear how you manage new versions of courses (that are aligned to both programs and certificates) when you wish to keep the same ID?

We are using the ID to match courses with our external reporting systems. I need to create new versions of courses as they arise whilst ensuring the ID is maintained through all versions. 

Appreciate any ideas you may have!

Re: New Versions of Courses/ Programs and Certificates
?? 发表于 2019年09月25日 Wednesday 11:36

HI Bianca,

Looks like this is an issue that other folks are also trying to figure out! The Course ID field does require the ID to be unique to each course. An alternative might be creating a custom course field that you could use for that repeated ID - when you create custom fields, you can decide if they will allow duplicate entries.



[EDIT: Please note that this reply originally contained incorrect information about the Course ID and has since been corrected. Apologies for any trouble that may have caused. ~WH]

Re: New Versions of Courses/ Programs and Certificates
CapponiBianca 发表于 2019年09月25日 Wednesday 16:09

Thanks for your response Wesley!

I'm thinking if the course ID and Title are the same it would be impossible to distinguish between each of the versions? Is there any other field available to capture a version?

Do you know how I might also be able to introduce a new version of a course for only new learners from that point? This would ensure that those learners that have already started the course (and are in progress) would not have the start the new version.

Re: New Versions of Courses/ Programs and Certificates
WilesJohn 发表于 2019年09月26日 Thursday 05:48

Would changing the short name to differentiate between the versions be applicable? Keeping the Course ID, and the fullname the same? Then disabling any version you don't want available by putting in an end date for the course.

Re: New Versions of Courses/ Programs and Certificates
CapponiBianca 发表于 2019年09月29日 Sunday 16:56
Thanks John, 

The short name displays in the notification subject to the learner, ideally we would like a history of the versioning to display to system administrators and have everything else remain consistent to the learner.

Any suggestions as to how we could disable the expired course only for future enrollments? And not those currently in progress?

Craig Eves
Re: New Versions of Courses/ Programs and Certificates
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2019年09月29日 Sunday 18:18
小组 Totara

Hi Bianca

It is possible to use audience based visibility to limit what programs, certification and courses are visible to users.

You can limit the visibility to enrolled users and audience members.

The versioning of courses can be achieved by backing up the course before the changes are made and renaming to include a version number and limit visibility to enrolled users. The restore the course to a new course and change the content.

If the course is part of a Certification or Programs then you can add the new course to a course set along with the old course and make completion based on completing either of the two courses.


Re: New Versions of Courses/ Programs and Certificates
CapponiBianca 发表于 2019年10月6日 Sunday 16:38

Hi Craig, 

Could you elaborate? How would I create a audience based on those users that are already in progress?

Thanks, Bianca

Craig Eves
Re: New Versions of Courses/ Programs and Certificates
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2019年10月6日 Sunday 18:03
小组 Totara

Hi Bianca

To create an audience of people who are in progress can be done with a dynamic audience rule . The exact rule depends on the structure of the program.

The rule would be something like

User has not completed the program

AND User not completed the old courses in the program


Re: New Versions of Courses/ Programs and Certificates
FrameTammy 发表于 2022年06月1日 Wednesday 17:37
小组 Partners

However, if you needed to track that people who had finished the original course needed the new updates this would not work. Any suggestions on what to do in a use case such as this?

Re: New Versions of Courses/ Programs and Certificates
LillianJoe 发表于 2022年06月21日 Tuesday 12:58

I have the same question for Programs in particular.  

I guess I could create a new instance of the Program with modifications but that is a lot of work.

How can I update a program and not affect users that have already completed the program (or completed a set in the program) ?

For example:

   How to remove a course from a program when the course is part of a set and all the courses in the set need to be completed?

   How to remove a course from a program when the course is the only course in the set (and that set is required)?



Craig Eves
Re: New Versions of Courses/ Programs and Certificates
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2022年06月22日 Wednesday 13:24
小组 Totara

Hi Joe

How to remove a course from a program when the course is part of a set and all the courses in the set need to be completed?

How to remove a course from a program when the course is the only course in the set (and that set is required)?

The way program work when structures are changed is 

  • Any new enrolments would complete the program using the new program structure 
  • For existing enrolments any milestones met such as course set completed or program completed would still be  met even if courses are added or deleted to the course set or program. So if they have completed a course set and the course is removed they would still be considered as completing the course set. 


Re: New Versions of Courses/ Programs and Certificates
LowndesPaul 发表于 2022年06月23日 Thursday 04:29
小组 Most Helpful Contributor 2021

Hi Craig 

Thanks for the update.

I agree that when you remove a course from a programme this is the case. However when adding a new course or new version of a course to a programme we have found reporting is not consistent. 

For example report builder will show a programme as not complete but on the learners record of learning and on current learning dashboard  it still shows as complete.

This has led to confusion and as  result any additions we make to a programme means we now have to recreate it and archive the old one.

That's our experience on T12 so this may have been resolved since.

Can you comment on our experience?



Craig Eves
Re: New Versions of Courses/ Programs and Certificates
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2022年06月26日 Sunday 14:44
小组 Totara

Hi Paul

There have been some recent fixes to program completion records e.g TL-33158 in 12.41 was a fix where Viewing the program overview report created a course completion record. What version are you using?

The completion records should display consistently across the methods it is being displayed if not then are you able to create a bug report with replication steps so we can fix this.


De BruyckereEvy
Re: New Versions of Courses/ Programs and Certificates
De BruyckereEvy 发表于 2019年10月7日 Monday 04:05
Hi Wes

In several of our Totara sites the 'course id number' field requires a unique ID. Could you tell us how we can make it so that the same number can be reused for different courses?



Re: New Versions of Courses/ Programs and Certificates
?? 发表于 2019年10月17日 Thursday 07:45

Hi Evy,

My original response was incorrect, apologies! Course ID must be unique for each course. Depending on what you need to use the field for (e.g. connecting to external systems) it is possible to create a custom user field that allows duplicate course IDs to be entered. The usefulness of that field will depend on what you need to do with that data! For example, if it just needs to appear in reports, a custom user field will appear in the columns you can display on some report sources.
