Totara Learn Open Discussions

download and install

download and install
?? 发表于 2019年09月25日 Wednesday 10:33

Hello I've being trying to find the code but no success. I read that when suscribed you receive a link each week but I checke my mails and find nothing. Is there a requirement to access de code?  Is there a reason to keep it hidden?

Thanks for any light on this.


Re: download and install
?? 发表于 2019年09月25日 Wednesday 12:22

Hi Eduardo,

Totara Learn is available via subscription, typically the code is managed for a Subscriber by their Totara Partner. Can you point me to the spot where it said you'd get a link each week? I'd like to make sure that information is corrected.



Re: download and install
?? 发表于 2019年09月25日 Wednesday 15:11

Hi Wes, thought Totara was Open Source, I want to test it (used Moodle before) for a customer, but thought I could install it in my server and check if my customer needs are covered. Anyway the suscriptions schema is not my way to go. If it is Open source can you point me out where I can get the open code to install it?

Anyway the spot you ask me is  in a very all thread in this forum this:

Previous General Totara Learn discussions (read only) -> Easiest way to download latest version -> Re: Easiest way to download latest version
by Richard Wyles - Wednesday, 8 June 2011, 5:05 PM

Hi Jonlee, isn't it Dalya Gould that receives your updates? An email is sent out with a download link. Updates are scheduled once per week.


Previous General Totara Learn discussions (read only) -> Easiest way to download latest version
by Jonlee Lockwood - Wednesday, 8 June 2011, 1:10 PM

Hey Guys.

What is the best place to get the latest version?



Re: download and install
?? 发表于 2019年09月27日 Friday 08:41

Thanks for the pointer Eduardo! I'll add a note to that post.

We did distribute our code to Subscribers via email back in 2011, but as we've grown we've found a way to centralize distribution so that changes to Partner/Subscriber staff don't impact their organisation's ability to get the code when needed. 

Totara falls under the GPL license that Moodle does, and there is a great article about how we support that model here



Re: download and install
?? 发表于 2019年09月27日 Friday 10:47

Thank you for sharing Welsey. So if i want the code for using in my local machine I need to be a partner, to be a partner I need to pay a subscritpion. The minimum subscritpion is $3,500usd anually.

Is this correct?

This sounds as a closed source project. You said in the article you shared the following phrases:

  • "...proprietary wolves in open source sheep's clothing "
  • "...while not being constrained by a vendor's closed intellectual property."
  • "Neither the open source definition nor the GPL obligates anyone to publish everything into the public domain in real time (or even later)"
Re: download and install
?? 发表于 2019年09月27日 Friday 11:28

Hi Eduardo,

Correct, the client you're working with would need to have a subscription for the software in order to have access to the code. This is typically available through a Totara Partner who provides support and services around the software, including installation, configuration, and a helpdesk. 

For Subscribers that feel comfortable managing their own code, they can reach out to us directly to acquire a subscription. My understanding is that Moodle Workplace is offered through a Partner program as well, if that helps with understanding how the distribution and licensing is managed.

You're also welcome to reach out to one of our Channel Partner Managers, just let me know what region you're located in (EMEA, Americas, or APAC).

