Totara Learn Open Discussions

Adding custom notification to module page

? ?
Adding custom notification to module page
de ? ? - Monday, 30 de September de 2019, 08:16

Hi community. We are modifying our Totara instance to call out to our existing api and habitually check for a response of complete. This involves the a custom class we are building into the code base for managing these calls and handling responses. The information i am looking for is how to add a custom notification block to the scorm module view (as seen below) in the style of the information notification much like the "Manually mark this activity when complete" block in the screen shot below. This block would indicate complete status from our API response.

I will need to write custom code to trigger this, but i am having trouble getting the UI to respond using the existing notification classes. Any help would be appreciated.

Tom Ireland
Re: Adding custom notification to module page
de Tom Ireland - Thursday, 3 de October de 2019, 08:19
Grupo Totara

Hi, Ashley.

Have you had a look at our Notifications developer documentation? This might be helpful to you.

Is the notification not being displayed or is it your API is not being called and the result is not being returned?

It might be an idea to jump over to the Partner forums as there could be some folks in there who have not seen your message here and might be able to help you out. :)

