Totara Talent Experience Platform Release Notes

Totara Learn Evergreen-20191024, 12.11, 11.20, 10.26, 9.37, 2.9.47, 2.7.54, 2.6.71, 2.5.77, 2.4.73, and 2.2.75

Totara Learn Evergreen-20191024, 12.11, 11.20, 10.26, 9.37, 2.9.47, 2.7.54, 2.6.71, 2.5.77, 2.4.73, and 2.2.75
HemelrykSam 发表于 2019年10月28日 Monday 01:34
小组 Totara

Hello everyone,

The following versions of Totara Learn have now been released:

These releases contain many fixes and improvements.
Notably they include fixes for upcoming changes in Chrome version 80.
We strongly recommend all sites with end users running the latest version of Chrome upgrade to these releases.
Please read the following changelogs for more information.

Kind regards
Sam Hemelryk

Release Evergreen (25th October 2019):

Key:           + Evergreen only


    TL-22311       The SameSite cookie attribute is now set to None in Chrome 78 and above

                   Chrome, in an upcoming release, will be introducing a default for the
                   SameSite cookie attribute of 'Lax'.
                   The current behaviour in all supported browsers is to leave the SameSite
                   cookie attribute unset, when not explicitly provided by the server at the
                   time the cookie is first set. When unset or set to 'None', HTTP requests
                   initiated by another site will often contain the Totara session cookie.
                   When set to 'Lax', requests initiated by another site will no longer
                   provide the Totara session cookie with the request.
                   Many commonly used features in Totara rely on third-party requests
                   including the user's session cookie. Furthermore, there are inconsistencies
                   between browsers in how the SameSite=Lax behaviour works. For this reason,
                   we will be setting the SameSite to 'None' for the session cookie when
                   Chrome 78 or later is in use. This will ensure that Totara continues to
                   operate as it has previously in this browser.
                   Due to the earlier mentioned inconsistencies in other browsers, we will not
                   set the SameSite attribute in any other browsers for the time being.
                   TL-22692 has been opened to watch the situation as it evolves and make
                   further improvements to our product when the time is right.
                   This change is currently planned to be made in Chrome 80, which we
                   anticipate will be released Q1 2020.
                   Chrome 80 is bringing another related change as well. Insecure cookies that
                   set SameSite to 'None' will be rejected. This will require that sites both
                   run over HTTPS and have the 'Secure cookies only' setting enabled within
                   Totara (leading to the secure cookie attribute being enabled).
                   The following actions will need to be taken by all sites where users will
                   be running Chrome:
                    * Upgrade to this release of Totara, or a later one.
                    * Configure the site to run over HTTPS if it is not already doing so.
                    * Enable the 'Secure cookies only' [cookiesecure] setting within Totara
                   For more information on the two changes being made in Chrome please see the
                    * Cookies default to SameSite=Lax
                    * Reject insecure SameSite=None cookies

    TL-22408       Fixed two issues that could cause the tag name upgrade step to fail

                   As part of the fix for TL-21055 (introduced in  11.17, and 12.8), we
                   created an upgrade step to revert HTML-encoded tag names to their original,
                   non-encoded canonical state.
                   The upgrade step failed to take two conditions into account: multiple tag
                   instances on the same item that resolve to the same canonical tag; and
                   module tags that resolve to the same canonical tag as a course. In these
                   cases, the upgrade simply failed with a database exception.
                   The tags upgrade step has been rewritten to work properly in all

    TL-22560       Improved the handling of conditional access restrictions that reference deleted items

                   Fixed a bug that prevented editing the access restrictions when a deleted
                   audience, position, or organisation was used as part of a restriction set
                   in them
                   We also made changes to stop removing course activity access restrictions
                   that refer to those deleted items.
                   In previous versions, whenever an audience, position, or organisation was
                   deleted, all access restrictions referring to the deleted item were
                   This could result in learners being able to access sections and activities
                   that they were unable to access before.
                   With this release, access restrictions are kept in place if the item(s)
                   they refer to are deleted. Such restrictions are updated to refer to a
                   'missing audience', 'missing position', or 'missing organisation', and will
                   prevent access to everybody until either removed or associated with a
                   different item.
                   Please note:
                   * If a 'missing' restriction is part of an OR condition, it will simply not
                   match rather than preventing access. 
                   * If a 'must not' restriction is 'missing,' then learners who formerly met
                   the restriction condition will not be restricted any more.
                   * There is no way to recover access restrictions that were previously
                   deleted because they referred to deleted items.

    TL-22621       SCORM no longer uses synchronous XHR requests for interaction

                   Chrome, in an upcoming release, will be removing the ability to make
                   synchronous XHR requests during page unload events, including beforeunload,
                   unload, pagehide and visibilitychanged.
                   If JavaScript code attempts to make such a request, the request will fail.
                   This functionality is often used by SCORM to perform a last-second save of
                   the user's progress at the time the user leaves the page. Totara sends this
                   request to the server using XHR. As a consequence of the change Chrome is
                   making, the user's progress would not be saved.
                   The fix introduced with this patch detects page unload events, and if the
                   SCORM package attempts to save state or communicate with the server during
                   unload, the navigation.sendBeacon API will be used (if available) instead
                   of a synchronous XHR request. The purpose of the navigation.sendBeacon API
                   is in line with this use, and it is one of two approaches recommended by
                   The original timeframe for this change in Chrome was with Chrome 78 due out
                   this month. However Chrome has pushed this back now to Chrome 80. More
                   information on this change in Chrome can be found at
                   We recommend all sites that make use of SCORM and who have users running
                   Chrome to update their Totara installations in advance of the Chrome 80

Performance improvements:

    TL-21839       Improved the performance of the 'Progress' column within program and certification report sources
    TL-21853   +   Improved the performance of the course and category management interface

                   The contents of each category's 'Actions' cog menu on the 'Course and
                   category management' page is now rendered upon request. This provides a
                   noticeable performance improvement over rendering them all in advance.

    TL-22262       Improved the performance of the calendar on sites with a large number of seminars per month

                   Calendar events are now filtered for visibility as they are loaded from the
                   database, rather than being checked one-by-one after being loaded.

    TL-22323       Improved overall in-browser page performance when a large number of popovers are present
    TL-22421       Added a new database index on role_capabilities (capability, roleid, permission)

                   This index has a profound impact on query performance when resolving
                   capability checks directly against the database.

    TL-22457       Added a new database index on cache_flags (flagtype, expiry, timemodified)
    TL-22461       Added a new database index on course (category,sortorder)
    TL-22471       Initialising HR Import settings for administrators no longer queries the database
    TL-22473       Optimised the course category management page to preload courses and course counts
    TL-22474       Optimised the navigation structure performance using totara_course_is_viewable

                   Site navigation was originally using totara_visibility_where when resolving
                   course visibility.
                   It has now been converted to use totara_course_is_viewable, given that the
                   number of courses loaded into the navigation is limited, and in displaying
                   the course within the navigation we must load all of the information to
                   resolve its visibility.

    TL-22475       Optimised enrol_get_my_courses to use totara_course_is_viewable

                   The enrol_get_my_courses method was originally using
                   totara_visibility_where when resolving course visibility. It has now been
                   converted to use totara_course_is_viewable, given the information available
                   within the function and that in most circumstances enrolled users can see
                   the courses they are enrolled it.

    TL-22478       Added a new database index on block_instances (blockname)

                   There are several queries within the platform, some that are executed on
                   most pages, that look up block instances by name.
                   While the queries are simple the table itself can grow significantly and
                   having an index on the blockname column aids database performance.

    TL-22611       Optimised the enrol_get_all_users_courses function to use totara_course_is_viewable


    TL-7967    +   Changed the certification workflow to only reset primary certification path on expiry

                   Previously, when a recertification window opened, courses on both primary
                   certification and recertification paths were reset. Now only the
                   recertification path courses will be reset when the recertification window
                   opens. Primary certification path courses will now be reset only on expiry,
                   and only if they are not also on the recertification path. This ensures
                   that courses are only reset when they need to be recompleted, and that
                   progress towards recertification, if applicable, will contribute to primary
                   certification in the event of a user's certification expiring.

    TL-20397   +   Redesigned the user reports page

                   User report page was redesigned replacing the list of reports with a
                   grid-like user interface showing report thumbnails that reflect the nature
                   of the report:
                    * Table reports
                    * Graphical reports (with different thumbnails for each chart type)
                   Added a new button to create new reports to the page that will be shown to
                   users with appropriate permissions.

    TL-21595   +   Added backend support for report templates in report builder
    TL-21686   +   Added inline editing of report titles when viewing a report
    TL-22051       Implemented a means to bulk delete unstarted course completions belonging to users who are no longer enrolled

                   When users are mistakenly enrolled, and then immediately unenrolled in a
                   course, a course completion record is left behind. This record is marked as
                   un-started, and can be manually deleted using the course completion
                   Manually deleting many thousands of records, as might need to happen when a
                   large audience is accidentally enrolled and then unenrolled from a course,
                   is prohibitively time-consuming. A new CLI script has been added at
                   'admin/cli/delete_unused_course_completions.php' to accomplish these
                   deletions in bulk.
                   Using the script will trigger an 'Admin CLI script execution, records
                   deleted' event that includes the parameters it was called with.

    TL-22132   +   Added 'Labels' and 'Summary' fields to Report Builder sources

                   Report Builder source classes now have 'sourcelabel' and 'sourcesummary'
                   properties which will be used in the new report creation workflow.

    TL-22260       Added the control of Report Builder export options at a report level
    TL-22389       Migrated all documentation links to point to

                   All links to external documentation within the product take the user to the
                   appropriate page in our public product documentation available at

    TL-22854       Fixed compatibility with PostgreSQL 12.0

Bug fixes:

    TL-20100       Removed a redundant and inaccurate help popup for appraisal descriptions
    TL-21346       Fixed seminar restoration when the original seminar had been deleted but still existed within the recycle bin
    TL-21828       Fixed Behat scenarios attempting to click on select input options after recent changes in Chrome

                   Recent changes in Chrome have led to sporadic issues through our Behat
                   features relating back to the definitions that attempt to click on options
                   within a select input. All affected feature files have been converted to a
                   method that works in all versions of Chrome.

    TL-21992   +   Fixed incorrect graph layouts when using the progress chart type
    TL-22001   +   Fixed minor visual bugs in ChartJS pie and doughnut charts

                   Several small visual improvements have been made to the pie and doughnut
                   chart types within ChartJS:
                   * Chart colours have been adjusted to ensure similar hues no longer appear
                   next to each other in a chart.
                   * Thin white borders have been added between slices.
                   * Increased the inner edge diameter for doughnut charts, reducing their

    TL-22207       Block permissions for authenticated users and guests are now restored corectly when restoring a course

                   In addition to the above noted fix the screen displaying information on
                   roles that cannot be mapped during restore now correctly displays built-in
                   role names and overridable roles.

    TL-22224       Fixed the grade functions of the seminar component to be compatible with other activity components
    TL-22241   +   Fixed the description of date-based dynamic audience rules to match the back-end logic
    TL-22257       Added a missing capability check to stop an error message while adding an enrolled audience to a course
    TL-22348       Changed the default timesort for the Grid catalogue

                   Previously the time-based sorting method for the new grid-style catalogue
                   was based on the 'timemodified' value of the learning items being
                   displayed. This has been changed to use the 'timecreated' value instead,
                   giving a more consistent ordering of the learning items.
                   Note: Though the back-end code has been updated, this change will not be
                   visible on the catalogue until the refresh_catalog_data scheduled task is
                   run. If you want to see this change immediately please manually run the
                   task after upgrading, otherwise this change will only be updated on the
                   next scheduled run.

    TL-22349       Fixed custom navigation parent elements being un-deletable after upgrade
    TL-22394       Fixed the overflow of long category names within the Grid catalogue

                   Previously if long category names could extend under the tiles when using
                   the Grid catalogue. The maximum width of the category name is now managed,
                   and an ellipsis presented when the category name would exceed the available
                   This will require CSS to be regenerated for themes that use LESS

    TL-22398       Fixed a potential problem in role_unassign_all_bulk() related to cascaded manual role unassignment

                   The problem may only affect third-party code because the problematic
                   parameter is not used in standard distribution.

    TL-22401       Removed unnecessary use of set context on report builder filters page
    TL-22418   +   Fixed schema introspection for GraphQL
    TL-22419       Corrected link colours within a label course activity

                   This will require CSS to be regenerated for themes that use LESS

    TL-22435       Fixed context used for capability checks during goal userdata exports

                   Previously the goal exports were checking if a user could see their own
                   goals in the system context, however the capability is meant to be used in
                   the user context. This has been rectified where possible.

    TL-22453       Featured links blocks no longer uses the text colour specified in Basis theme settings

                   The text colour specified in Basis theme settings is designed to work on
                   light backgrounds, not the dark background that the featured links block
                   This will require CSS to be regenerated for themes that use LESS

    TL-22511       Deleting course completions either via the interface or via CLI now correctly purges completion caches
    TL-22517       Fixed an error in first login tasks when a user has future assignments for multiple programs or certifications

                   If a user had multiple future assignments (due to setting a program due
                   date based on first login for a user who hadn't yet logged in), when the
                   first_login_assignments task ran, an error would be generated and users
                   wouldn't be assigned to the program / certification correctly.

    TL-22518       Fixed email-based self registration with position, organisation, and manager while logged in as a guest
    TL-22559       Seminar notification sender no longer reuses the sending user object

                   The reuse of the sending user object when sending notifications from within
                   the seminar occasionally led to an issue where notifications would appear
                   to come from random users. This has now been fixed by ensuring a fresh
                   sending user object is used for each notification.

    TL-22567       Made sure the 'Front page settings' page can be bookmarked in the administration menu
    TL-22576       All areas displaying a program or certification fullname are now formatted consistently

                   Prior to this change there were a handful of areas not correctly formatting
                   program and certification full names before displaying them. These have all
                   been tidied up and program and certification fullname is now formatted
                   correctly and consistently.

    TL-22582       Fixed a race condition in the Grid catalogue page that inadvertently reset filter settings

                   A race condition was identified in the auto-initialise AMD module, whereby
                   components could have been initialised out of order. In situations where
                   the anticipated order of execution was being relied upon this could
                   manifest visible errors such as catalogue filters from a shared URL being
                   incorrectly excluded.
                   This race condition has now been fixed and calls to require AMD modules are
                   now processed in advance of auto-initialisation.

    TL-22610       Fixed error in HR Import when importing organisation or position custom fields when typeidnumber is mapped

                   When importing organisation or position custom fields using HR Import, if a
                   field mapping was used in the typeidnumber field an error would be thrown
                   causing the import to fail. This has been fixed.

    TL-22622       Fixed an incorrect count of visible programs which led to missing pagination controls in the interface

                   This is a regression introduced by TL-22060 released in 12.10 last month.
                    The total count variable within prog_get_programs_page() was being
                   incorrectly populated after that change. It is now correctly populated.

    TL-22632       Fixed the report builder default fetch method setting as its value was not being respected
    TL-22658       Fixed the display of programs and certifications when folders are added to their image field

                   Folders are now ignored when added to the image field for programs and
                   The ability to add folders will be removed in a future version by TL-22659.

API changes:

    TL-22248       Checks to confirm a user can log in as another user are now performed by the user access controller

                   'Login as' permission checks have been consolidated into a new method on
                   the user access controller, \core_user\access_controller::can_loginas()
                    Existing checks within the product have all been converted to use this new
                   method, ensuring that the control checks are applied consistently.

    TL-22392       Added course creation post definition and validation hooks

                   This change introduced two new hooks:
                   * \core_course\hook\edit_form_definition_after_data
                   * \core_course\hook\edit_form_validation

    TL-22472       Removed incorrect use of $DB->sql_like() for non-unicode fields

                   SQL code executing LIKE statements on the context path in the database was
                   in some situations using sql_like, which led to collation management being
                   introduced. This was leading to an unnecessary overhead as path is a
                   calculated field for which we always know the character range used.

    TL-22477       Active string filters per context are now cached using MUC

                   Previously a static variable $FILTERLIB_PRIVATE was used to cache active
                   filters by context during the lifetime of a request. This has been
                   converted to an MUC request cache, allowing for better management and
                   handling both in product and in our testing environments.


    * Davo Smith at Synergy Learning - TL-22518
    * Peter Spicer at Catalyst EU - TL-22392

Release 12.11 (25th October 2019):


    TL-22311       The SameSite cookie attribute is now set to None in Chrome 78 and above

                   Chrome, in an upcoming release, will be introducing a default for the
                   SameSite cookie attribute of 'Lax'.
                   The current behaviour in all supported browsers is to leave the SameSite
                   cookie attribute unset, when not explicitly provided by the server at the
                   time the cookie is first set. When unset or set to 'None', HTTP requests
                   initiated by another site will often contain the Totara session cookie.
                   When set to 'Lax', requests initiated by another site will no longer
                   provide the Totara session cookie with the request.
                   Many commonly used features in Totara rely on third-party requests
                   including the user's session cookie. Furthermore, there are inconsistencies
                   between browsers in how the SameSite=Lax behaviour works. For this reason,
                   we will be setting the SameSite to 'None' for the session cookie when
                   Chrome 78 or later is in use. This will ensure that Totara continues to
                   operate as it has previously in this browser.
                   Due to the earlier mentioned inconsistencies in other browsers, we will not
                   set the SameSite attribute in any other browsers for the time being.
                   TL-22692 has been opened to watch the situation as it evolves and make
                   further improvements to our product when the time is right.
                   This change is currently planned to be made in Chrome 80, which we
                   anticipate will be released Q1 2020.
                   Chrome 80 is bringing another related change as well. Insecure cookies that
                   set SameSite to 'None' will be rejected. This will require that sites both
                   run over HTTPS and have the 'Secure cookies only' setting enabled within
                   Totara (leading to the secure cookie attribute being enabled).
                   The following actions will need to be taken by all sites where users will
                   be running Chrome:
                    * Upgrade to this release of Totara, or a later one.
                    * Configure the site to run over HTTPS if it is not already doing so.
                    * Enable the 'Secure cookies only' [cookiesecure] setting within Totara
                   For more information on the two changes being made in Chrome please see the
                    * Cookies default to SameSite=Lax
                    * Reject insecure SameSite=None cookies

    TL-22408       Fixed two issues that could cause the tag name upgrade step to fail

                   As part of the fix for TL-21055 (introduced in  11.17, and 12.8), we
                   created an upgrade step to revert HTML-encoded tag names to their original,
                   non-encoded canonical state.
                   The upgrade step failed to take two conditions into account: multiple tag
                   instances on the same item that resolve to the same canonical tag; and
                   module tags that resolve to the same canonical tag as a course. In these
                   cases, the upgrade simply failed with a database exception.
                   The tags upgrade step has been rewritten to work properly in all

    TL-22560       Improved the handling of conditional access restrictions that reference deleted items

                   Fixed a bug that prevented editing the access restrictions when a deleted
                   audience, position, or organisation was used as part of a restriction set
                   in them
                   We also made changes to stop removing course activity access restrictions
                   that refer to those deleted items.
                   In previous versions, whenever an audience, position, or organisation was
                   deleted, all access restrictions referring to the deleted item were
                   This could result in learners being able to access sections and activities
                   that they were unable to access before.
                   With this release, access restrictions are kept in place if the item(s)
                   they refer to are deleted. Such restrictions are updated to refer to a
                   'missing audience', 'missing position', or 'missing organisation', and will
                   prevent access to everybody until either removed or associated with a
                   different item.
                   Please note:
                   * If a 'missing' restriction is part of an OR condition, it will simply not
                   match rather than preventing access. 
                   * If a 'must not' restriction is 'missing,' then learners who formerly met
                   the restriction condition will not be restricted any more.
                   * There is no way to recover access restrictions that were previously
                   deleted because they referred to deleted items.

    TL-22621       SCORM no longer uses synchronous XHR requests for interaction

                   Chrome, in an upcoming release, will be removing the ability to make
                   synchronous XHR requests during page unload events, including beforeunload,
                   unload, pagehide and visibilitychanged.
                   If JavaScript code attempts to make such a request, the request will fail.
                   This functionality is often used by SCORM to perform a last-second save of
                   the user's progress at the time the user leaves the page. Totara sends this
                   request to the server using XHR. As a consequence of the change Chrome is
                   making, the user's progress would not be saved.
                   The fix introduced with this patch detects page unload events, and if the
                   SCORM package attempts to save state or communicate with the server during
                   unload, the navigation.sendBeacon API will be used (if available) instead
                   of a synchronous XHR request. The purpose of the navigation.sendBeacon API
                   is in line with this use, and it is one of two approaches recommended by
                   The original timeframe for this change in Chrome was with Chrome 78 due out
                   this month. However Chrome has pushed this back now to Chrome 80. More
                   information on this change in Chrome can be found at
                   We recommend all sites that make use of SCORM and who have users running
                   Chrome to update their Totara installations in advance of the Chrome 80

Performance improvements:

    TL-21839       Improved the performance of the 'Progress' column within program and certification report sources
    TL-22262       Improved the performance of the calendar on sites with a large number of seminars per month

                   Calendar events are now filtered for visibility as they are loaded from the
                   database, rather than being checked one-by-one after being loaded.

    TL-22323       Improved overall in-browser page performance when a large number of popovers are present
    TL-22421       Added a new database index on role_capabilities (capability, roleid, permission)

                   This index has a profound impact on query performance when resolving
                   capability checks directly against the database.

    TL-22457       Added a new database index on cache_flags (flagtype, expiry, timemodified)
    TL-22461       Added a new database index on course (category,sortorder)
    TL-22471       Initialising HR Import settings for administrators no longer queries the database
    TL-22473       Optimised the course category management page to preload courses and course counts
    TL-22474       Optimised the navigation structure performance using totara_course_is_viewable

                   Site navigation was originally using totara_visibility_where when resolving
                   course visibility.
                   It has now been converted to use totara_course_is_viewable, given that the
                   number of courses loaded into the navigation is limited, and in displaying
                   the course within the navigation we must load all of the information to
                   resolve its visibility.

    TL-22475       Optimised enrol_get_my_courses to use totara_course_is_viewable

                   The enrol_get_my_courses method was originally using
                   totara_visibility_where when resolving course visibility. It has now been
                   converted to use totara_course_is_viewable, given the information available
                   within the function and that in most circumstances enrolled users can see
                   the courses they are enrolled it.

    TL-22478       Added a new database index on block_instances (blockname)

                   There are several queries within the platform, some that are executed on
                   most pages, that look up block instances by name.
                   While the queries are simple the table itself can grow significantly and
                   having an index on the blockname column aids database performance.

    TL-22611       Optimised the enrol_get_all_users_courses function to use totara_course_is_viewable


    TL-22051       Implemented a means to bulk delete unstarted course completions belonging to users who are no longer enrolled

                   When users are mistakenly enrolled, and then immediately unenrolled in a
                   course, a course completion record is left behind. This record is marked as
                   un-started, and can be manually deleted using the course completion
                   Manually deleting many thousands of records, as might need to happen when a
                   large audience is accidentally enrolled and then unenrolled from a course,
                   is prohibitively time-consuming. A new CLI script has been added at
                   'admin/cli/delete_unused_course_completions.php' to accomplish these
                   deletions in bulk.
                   Using the script will trigger an 'Admin CLI script execution, records
                   deleted' event that includes the parameters it was called with.

    TL-22260       Added the control of Report Builder export options at a report level
    TL-22389       Migrated all documentation links to point to

                   All links to external documentation within the product take the user to the
                   appropriate page in our public product documentation available at

    TL-22854       Fixed compatibility with PostgreSQL 12.0

Bug fixes:

    TL-20100       Removed a redundant and inaccurate help popup for appraisal descriptions
    TL-21346       Fixed seminar restoration when the original seminar had been deleted but still existed within the recycle bin
    TL-21828       Fixed Behat scenarios attempting to click on select input options after recent changes in Chrome

                   Recent changes in Chrome have led to sporadic issues through our Behat
                   features relating back to the definitions that attempt to click on options
                   within a select input. All affected feature files have been converted to a
                   method that works in all versions of Chrome.

    TL-22207       Block permissions for authenticated users and guests are now restored corectly when restoring a course

                   In addition to the above noted fix the screen displaying information on
                   roles that cannot be mapped during restore now correctly displays built-in
                   role names and overridable roles.

    TL-22224       Fixed the grade functions of the seminar component to be compatible with other activity components
    TL-22243       Removed double-escaping of ampersands in the featured links block
    TL-22257       Added a missing capability check to stop an error message while adding an enrolled audience to a course
    TL-22348       Changed the default timesort for the Grid catalogue

                   Previously the time-based sorting method for the new grid-style catalogue
                   was based on the 'timemodified' value of the learning items being
                   displayed. This has been changed to use the 'timecreated' value instead,
                   giving a more consistent ordering of the learning items.
                   Note: Though the back-end code has been updated, this change will not be
                   visible on the catalogue until the refresh_catalog_data scheduled task is
                   run. If you want to see this change immediately please manually run the
                   task after upgrading, otherwise this change will only be updated on the
                   next scheduled run.

    TL-22349       Fixed custom navigation parent elements being un-deletable after upgrade
    TL-22394       Fixed the overflow of long category names within the Grid catalogue

                   Previously if long category names could extend under the tiles when using
                   the Grid catalogue. The maximum width of the category name is now managed,
                   and an ellipsis presented when the category name would exceed the available
                   This will require CSS to be regenerated for themes that use LESS

    TL-22398       Fixed a potential problem in role_unassign_all_bulk() related to cascaded manual role unassignment

                   The problem may only affect third-party code because the problematic
                   parameter is not used in standard distribution.

    TL-22401       Removed unnecessary use of set context on report builder filters page
    TL-22419       Corrected link colours within a label course activity

                   This will require CSS to be regenerated for themes that use LESS

    TL-22435       Fixed context used for capability checks during goal userdata exports

                   Previously the goal exports were checking if a user could see their own
                   goals in the system context, however the capability is meant to be used in
                   the user context. This has been rectified where possible.

    TL-22453       Featured links blocks no longer uses the text colour specified in Basis theme settings

                   The text colour specified in Basis theme settings is designed to work on
                   light backgrounds, not the dark background that the featured links block
                   This will require CSS to be regenerated for themes that use LESS

    TL-22511       Deleting course completions either via the interface or via CLI now correctly purges completion caches
    TL-22517       Fixed an error in first login tasks when a user has future assignments for multiple programs or certifications

                   If a user had multiple future assignments (due to setting a program due
                   date based on first login for a user who hadn't yet logged in), when the
                   first_login_assignments task ran, an error would be generated and users
                   wouldn't be assigned to the program / certification correctly.

    TL-22518       Fixed email-based self registration with position, organisation, and manager while logged in as a guest
    TL-22559       Seminar notification sender no longer reuses the sending user object

                   The reuse of the sending user object when sending notifications from within
                   the seminar occasionally led to an issue where notifications would appear
                   to come from random users. This has now been fixed by ensuring a fresh
                   sending user object is used for each notification.

    TL-22567       Made sure the 'Front page settings' page can be bookmarked in the administration menu
    TL-22576       All areas displaying a program or certification fullname are now formatted consistently

                   Prior to this change there were a handful of areas not correctly formatting
                   program and certification full names before displaying them. These have all
                   been tidied up and program and certification fullname is now formatted
                   correctly and consistently.

    TL-22582       Fixed a race condition in the Grid catalogue page that inadvertently reset filter settings

                   A race condition was identified in the auto-initialise AMD module, whereby
                   components could have been initialised out of order. In situations where
                   the anticipated order of execution was being relied upon this could
                   manifest visible errors such as catalogue filters from a shared URL being
                   incorrectly excluded.
                   This race condition has now been fixed and calls to require AMD modules are
                   now processed in advance of auto-initialisation.

    TL-22610       Fixed error in HR Import when importing organisation or position custom fields when typeidnumber is mapped

                   When importing organisation or position custom fields using HR Import, if a
                   field mapping was used in the typeidnumber field an error would be thrown
                   causing the import to fail. This has been fixed.

    TL-22622       Fixed an incorrect count of visible programs which led to missing pagination controls in the interface

                   This is a regression introduced by TL-22060 released in 12.10 last month.
                    The total count variable within prog_get_programs_page() was being
                   incorrectly populated after that change. It is now correctly populated.

    TL-22632       Fixed the report builder default fetch method setting as its value was not being respected
    TL-22658       Fixed the display of programs and certifications when folders are added to their image field

                   Folders are now ignored when added to the image field for programs and
                   The ability to add folders will be removed in a future version by TL-22659.

API changes:

    TL-22248       Checks to confirm a user can log in as another user are now performed by the user access controller

                   'Login as' permission checks have been consolidated into a new method on
                   the user access controller, \core_user\access_controller::can_loginas()
                    Existing checks within the product have all been converted to use this new
                   method, ensuring that the control checks are applied consistently.

    TL-22392       Added course creation post definition and validation hooks

                   This change introduced two new hooks:
                   * \core_course\hook\edit_form_definition_after_data
                   * \core_course\hook\edit_form_validation

    TL-22472       Removed incorrect use of $DB->sql_like() for non-unicode fields

                   SQL code executing LIKE statements on the context path in the database was
                   in some situations using sql_like, which led to collation management being
                   introduced. This was leading to an unnecessary overhead as path is a
                   calculated field for which we always know the character range used.

    TL-22477       Active string filters per context are now cached using MUC

                   Previously a static variable $FILTERLIB_PRIVATE was used to cache active
                   filters by context during the lifetime of a request. This has been
                   converted to an MUC request cache, allowing for better management and
                   handling both in product and in our testing environments.


    * Brad Simpson at Kineo US - TL-22243
    * Davo Smith at Synergy Learning - TL-22518
    * Peter Spicer at Catalyst EU - TL-22392

Release 11.20 (25th October 2019):


    TL-22311       The SameSite cookie attribute is now set to None in Chrome 78 and above

                   Chrome, in an upcoming release, will be introducing a default for the
                   SameSite cookie attribute of 'Lax'.
                   The current behaviour in all supported browsers is to leave the SameSite
                   cookie attribute unset, when not explicitly provided by the server at the
                   time the cookie is first set. When unset or set to 'None', HTTP requests
                   initiated by another site will often contain the Totara session cookie.
                   When set to 'Lax', requests initiated by another site will no longer
                   provide the Totara session cookie with the request.
                   Many commonly used features in Totara rely on third-party requests
                   including the user's session cookie. Furthermore, there are inconsistencies
                   between browsers in how the SameSite=Lax behaviour works. For this reason,
                   we will be setting the SameSite to 'None' for the session cookie when
                   Chrome 78 or later is in use. This will ensure that Totara continues to
                   operate as it has previously in this browser.
                   Due to the earlier mentioned inconsistencies in other browsers, we will not
                   set the SameSite attribute in any other browsers for the time being.
                   TL-22692 has been opened to watch the situation as it evolves and make
                   further improvements to our product when the time is right.
                   This change is currently planned to be made in Chrome 80, which we
                   anticipate will be released Q1 2020.
                   Chrome 80 is bringing another related change as well. Insecure cookies that
                   set SameSite to 'None' will be rejected. This will require that sites both
                   run over HTTPS and have the 'Secure cookies only' setting enabled within
                   Totara (leading to the secure cookie attribute being enabled).
                   The following actions will need to be taken by all sites where users will
                   be running Chrome:
                    * Upgrade to this release of Totara, or a later one.
                    * Configure the site to run over HTTPS if it is not already doing so.
                    * Enable the 'Secure cookies only' [cookiesecure] setting within Totara
                   For more information on the two changes being made in Chrome please see the
                    * [] Cookies default
                   to SameSite=Lax
                    * [] Reject insecure
                   SameSite=None cookies

    TL-22408       Fixed two issues that could cause the tag name upgrade step to fail

                   As part of the fix for TL-21055 (introduced in  11.17, and 12.8), we
                   created an upgrade step to revert HTML-encoded tag names to their original,
                   non-encoded canonical state.
                   The upgrade step failed to take two conditions into account: multiple tag
                   instances on the same item that resolve to the same canonical tag; and
                   module tags that resolve to the same canonical tag as a course. In these
                   cases, the upgrade simply failed with a database exception.
                   The tags upgrade step has been rewritten to work properly in all

    TL-22560       Improved the handling of conditional access restrictions that reference deleted items

                   Fixed a bug that prevented editing the access restrictions when a deleted
                   audience, position, or organisation was used as part of a restriction set
                   in them
                   We also made changes to stop removing course activity access restrictions
                   that refer to those deleted items.
                   In previous versions, whenever an audience, position, or organisation was
                   deleted, all access restrictions referring to the deleted item were
                   This could result in learners being able to access sections and activities
                   that they were unable to access before.
                   With this release, access restrictions are kept in place if the item(s)
                   they refer to are deleted. Such restrictions are updated to refer to a
                   'missing audience', 'missing position', or 'missing organisation', and will
                   prevent access to everybody until either removed or associated with a
                   different item.
                   Please note:
                   * If a 'missing' restriction is part of an OR condition, it will simply not
                   match rather than preventing access. 
                   * If a 'must not' restriction is 'missing,' then learners who formerly met
                   the restriction condition will not be restricted any more.
                   * There is no way to recover access restrictions that were previously
                   deleted because they referred to deleted items.

    TL-22621       SCORM no longer uses synchronous XHR requests for interaction

                   Chrome, in an upcoming release, will be removing the ability to make
                   synchronous XHR requests during page unload events, including beforeunload,
                   unload, pagehide and visibilitychanged.
                   If JavaScript code attempts to make such a request, the request will fail.
                   This functionality is often used by SCORM to perform a last-second save of
                   the user's progress at the time the user leaves the page. Totara sends this
                   request to the server using XHR. As a consequence of the change Chrome is
                   making, the user's progress would not be saved.
                   The fix introduced with this patch detects page unload events, and if the
                   SCORM package attempts to save state or communicate with the server during
                   unload, the navigation.sendBeacon API will be used (if available) instead
                   of a synchronous XHR request. The purpose of the navigation.sendBeacon API
                   is in line with this use, and it is one of two approaches recommended by
                   The original timeframe for this change in Chrome was with Chrome 78 due out
                   this month. However Chrome has pushed this back now to Chrome 80. More
                   information on this change in Chrome can be found at
                   We recommend all sites that make use of SCORM and who have users running
                   Chrome to update their Totara installations in advance of the Chrome 80


    TL-22854       Fixed compatibility with PostgreSQL 12.0

Bug fixes:

    TL-21828       Fixed Behat scenarios attempting to click on select input options after recent changes in Chrome

                   Recent changes in Chrome have led to sporadic issues through our Behat
                   features relating back to the definitions that attempt to click on options
                   within a select input. All affected feature files have been converted to a
                   method that works in all versions of Chrome.

    TL-22207       Block permissions for authenticated users and guests are now restored corectly when restoring a course

                   In addition to the above noted fix the screen displaying information on
                   roles that cannot be mapped during restore now correctly displays built-in
                   role names and overridable roles.

    TL-22398       Fixed a potential problem in role_unassign_all_bulk() related to cascaded manual role unassignment

                   The problem may only affect third-party code because the problematic
                   parameter is not used in standard distribution.

    TL-22401       Removed unnecessary use of set context on report builder filters page
    TL-22435       Fixed context used for capability checks during goal userdata exports

                   Previously the goal exports were checking if a user could see their own
                   goals in the system context, however the capability is meant to be used in
                   the user context. This has been rectified where possible.

    TL-22511       Deleting course completions either via the interface or via CLI now correctly purges completion caches
    TL-22517       Fixed an error in first login tasks when a user has future assignments for multiple programs or certifications

                   If a user had multiple future assignments (due to setting a program due
                   date based on first login for a user who hadn't yet logged in), when the
                   first_login_assignments task ran, an error would be generated and users
                   wouldn't be assigned to the program / certification correctly.

    TL-22518       Fixed email-based self registration with position, organisation, and manager while logged in as a guest
    TL-22559       Seminar notification sender no longer reuses the sending user object

                   The reuse of the sending user object when sending notifications from within
                   the seminar occasionally led to an issue where notifications would appear
                   to come from random users. This has now been fixed by ensuring a fresh
                   sending user object is used for each notification.

    TL-22576       All areas displaying a program or certification fullname are now formatted consistently

                   Prior to this change there were a handful of areas not correctly formatting
                   program and certification full names before displaying them. These have all
                   been tidied up and program and certification fullname is now formatted
                   correctly and consistently.

    TL-22632       Fixed the report builder default fetch method setting as its value was not being respected
    TL-22691       Changed seminar join waitlist button label from 'Agree and submit' to 'Join waitlist'

API changes:

    TL-22472       Removed incorrect use of $DB->sql_like() for non-unicode fields

                   SQL code executing LIKE statements on the context path in the database was
                   in some situations using sql_like, which led to collation management being
                   introduced. This was leading to an unnecessary overhead as path is a
                   calculated field for which we always know the character range used.


    * Davo Smith at Synergy Learning - TL-22518

Release 10.26 (25th October 2019):


    TL-22311       The SameSite cookie attribute is now set to None in Chrome 78 and above

                   Chrome, in an upcoming release, will be introducing a default for the
                   SameSite cookie attribute of 'Lax'.
                   The current behaviour in all supported browsers is to leave the SameSite
                   cookie attribute unset, when not explicitly provided by the server at the
                   time the cookie is first set. When unset or set to 'None', HTTP requests
                   initiated by another site will often contain the Totara session cookie.
                   When set to 'Lax', requests initiated by another site will no longer
                   provide the Totara session cookie with the request.
                   Many commonly used features in Totara rely on third-party requests
                   including the user's session cookie. Furthermore, there are inconsistencies
                   between browsers in how the SameSite=Lax behaviour works. For this reason,
                   we will be setting the SameSite to 'None' for the session cookie when
                   Chrome 78 or later is in use. This will ensure that Totara continues to
                   operate as it has previously in this browser.
                   Due to the earlier mentioned inconsistencies in other browsers, we will not
                   set the SameSite attribute in any other browsers for the time being.
                   TL-22692 has been opened to watch the situation as it evolves and make
                   further improvements to our product when the time is right.
                   This change is currently planned to be made in Chrome 80, which we
                   anticipate will be released Q1 2020.
                   Chrome 80 is bringing another related change as well. Insecure cookies that
                   set SameSite to 'None' will be rejected. This will require that sites both
                   run over HTTPS and have the 'Secure cookies only' setting enabled within
                   Totara (leading to the secure cookie attribute being enabled).
                   The following actions will need to be taken by all sites where users will
                   be running Chrome:
                    * Upgrade to this release of Totara, or a later one.
                    * Configure the site to run over HTTPS if it is not already doing so.
                    * Enable the 'Secure cookies only' [cookiesecure] setting within Totara
                   For more information on the two changes being made in Chrome please see the
                    * [] Cookies default
                   to SameSite=Lax
                    * [] Reject insecure
                   SameSite=None cookies

    TL-22621       SCORM no longer uses synchronous XHR requests for interaction

                   Chrome, in an upcoming release, will be removing the ability to make
                   synchronous XHR requests during page unload events, including beforeunload,
                   unload, pagehide and visibilitychanged.
                   If JavaScript code attempts to make such a request, the request will fail.
                   This functionality is often used by SCORM to perform a last-second save of
                   the user's progress at the time the user leaves the page. Totara sends this
                   request to the server using XHR. As a consequence of the change Chrome is
                   making, the user's progress would not be saved.
                   The fix introduced with this patch detects page unload events, and if the
                   SCORM package attempts to save state or communicate with the server during
                   unload, the navigation.sendBeacon API will be used (if available) instead
                   of a synchronous XHR request. The purpose of the navigation.sendBeacon API
                   is in line with this use, and it is one of two approaches recommended by
                   The original timeframe for this change in Chrome was with Chrome 78 due out
                   this month. However Chrome has pushed this back now to Chrome 80. More
                   information on this change in Chrome can be found at
                   We recommend all sites that make use of SCORM and who have users running
                   Chrome to update their Totara installations in advance of the Chrome 80


    TL-22854       Fixed compatibility with PostgreSQL 12.0

Bug fixes:

    TL-21828       Fixed Behat scenarios attempting to click on select input options after recent changes in Chrome

                   Recent changes in Chrome have led to sporadic issues through our Behat
                   features relating back to the definitions that attempt to click on options
                   within a select input. All affected feature files have been converted to a
                   method that works in all versions of Chrome.

    TL-22398       Fixed a potential problem in role_unassign_all_bulk() related to cascaded manual role unassignment

                   The problem may only affect third-party code because the problematic
                   parameter is not used in standard distribution.

    TL-22401       Removed unnecessary use of set context on report builder filters page
    TL-22559       Seminar notification sender no longer reuses the sending user object

                   The reuse of the sending user object when sending notifications from within
                   the seminar occasionally led to an issue where notifications would appear
                   to come from random users. This has now been fixed by ensuring a fresh
                   sending user object is used for each notification.

    TL-22576       All areas displaying a program or certification fullname are now formatted consistently

                   Prior to this change there were a handful of areas not correctly formatting
                   program and certification full names before displaying them. These have all
                   been tidied up and program and certification fullname is now formatted
                   correctly and consistently.

Release 9.37 (25th October 2019):


    TL-22311       The SameSite cookie attribute is now set to None in Chrome 78 and above

                   Chrome, in an upcoming release, will be introducing a default for the
                   SameSite cookie attribute of 'Lax'.
                   The current behaviour in all supported browsers is to leave the SameSite
                   cookie attribute unset, when not explicitly provided by the server at the
                   time the cookie is first set. When unset or set to 'None', HTTP requests
                   initiated by another site will often contain the Totara session cookie.
                   When set to 'Lax', requests initiated by another site will no longer
                   provide the Totara session cookie with the request.
                   Many commonly used features in Totara rely on third-party requests
                   including the user's session cookie. Furthermore, there are inconsistencies
                   between browsers in how the SameSite=Lax behaviour works. For this reason,
                   we will be setting the SameSite to 'None' for the session cookie when
                   Chrome 78 or later is in use. This will ensure that Totara continues to
                   operate as it has previously in this browser.
                   Due to the earlier mentioned inconsistencies in other browsers, we will not
                   set the SameSite attribute in any other browsers for the time being.
                   TL-22692 has been opened to watch the situation as it evolves and make
                   further improvements to our product when the time is right.
                   This change is currently planned to be made in Chrome 80, which we
                   anticipate will be released Q1 2020.
                   Chrome 80 is bringing another related change as well. Insecure cookies that
                   set SameSite to 'None' will be rejected. This will require that sites both
                   run over HTTPS and have the 'Secure cookies only' setting enabled within
                   Totara (leading to the secure cookie attribute being enabled).
                   The following actions will need to be taken by all sites where users will
                   be running Chrome:
                    * Upgrade to this release of Totara, or a later one.
                    * Configure the site to run over HTTPS if it is not already doing so.
                    * Enable the 'Secure cookies only' [cookiesecure] setting within Totara
                   For more information on the two changes being made in Chrome please see the
                    * [] Cookies default
                   to SameSite=Lax
                    * [] Reject insecure
                   SameSite=None cookies

    TL-22621       SCORM no longer uses synchronous XHR requests for interaction

                   Chrome, in an upcoming release, will be removing the ability to make
                   synchronous XHR requests during page unload events, including beforeunload,
                   unload, pagehide and visibilitychanged.
                   If JavaScript code attempts to make such a request, the request will fail.
                   This functionality is often used by SCORM to perform a last-second save of
                   the user's progress at the time the user leaves the page. Totara sends this
                   request to the server using XHR. As a consequence of the change Chrome is
                   making, the user's progress would not be saved.
                   The fix introduced with this patch detects page unload events, and if the
                   SCORM package attempts to save state or communicate with the server during
                   unload, the navigation.sendBeacon API will be used (if available) instead
                   of a synchronous XHR request. The purpose of the navigation.sendBeacon API
                   is in line with this use, and it is one of two approaches recommended by
                   The original timeframe for this change in Chrome was with Chrome 78 due out
                   this month. However Chrome has pushed this back now to Chrome 80. More
                   information on this change in Chrome can be found at
                   We recommend all sites that make use of SCORM and who have users running
                   Chrome to update their Totara installations in advance of the Chrome 80


    TL-22854       Fixed compatibility with PostgreSQL 12.0

Bug fixes:

    TL-22398       Fixed a potential problem in role_unassign_all_bulk() related to cascaded manual role unassignment

                   The problem may only affect third-party code because the problematic
                   parameter is not used in standard distribution.

    TL-22401       Removed unnecessary use of set context on report builder filters page
    TL-22503       Backport TL-22045: Login form is now only submitted once per page load
    TL-22559       Seminar notification sender no longer reuses the sending user object

                   The reuse of the sending user object when sending notifications from within
                   the seminar occasionally led to an issue where notifications would appear
                   to come from random users. This has now been fixed by ensuring a fresh
                   sending user object is used for each notification.

    TL-22576       All areas displaying a program or certification fullname are now formatted consistently

                   Prior to this change there were a handful of areas not correctly formatting
                   program and certification full names before displaying them. These have all
                   been tidied up and program and certification fullname is now formatted
                   correctly and consistently.

Release 2.9.47 (25th October 2019):


    TL-22311       The SameSite cookie attribute is now set to None in Chrome 78 and above

                   Chrome, in an upcoming release, will be introducing a default for the
                   SameSite cookie attribute of 'Lax'.
                   The current behaviour in all supported browsers is to leave the SameSite
                   cookie attribute unset, when not explicitly provided by the server at the
                   time the cookie is first set. When unset or set to 'None', HTTP requests
                   initiated by another site will often contain the Totara session cookie.
                   When set to 'Lax', requests initiated by another site will no longer
                   provide the Totara session cookie with the request.
                   Many commonly used features in Totara rely on third-party requests
                   including the user's session cookie. Furthermore, there are inconsistencies
                   between browsers in how the SameSite=Lax behaviour works. For this reason,
                   we will be setting the SameSite to 'None' for the session cookie when
                   Chrome 78 or later is in use. This will ensure that Totara continues to
                   operate as it has previously in this browser.
                   Due to the earlier mentioned inconsistencies in other browsers, we will not
                   set the SameSite attribute in any other browsers for the time being.
                   TL-22692 has been opened to watch the situation as it evolves and make
                   further improvements to our product when the time is right.
                   This change is currently planned to be made in Chrome 80, which we
                   anticipate will be released Q1 2020.
                   Chrome 80 is bringing another related change as well. Insecure cookies that
                   set SameSite to 'None' will be rejected. This will require that sites both
                   run over HTTPS and have the 'Secure cookies only' setting enabled within
                   Totara (leading to the secure cookie attribute being enabled).
                   The following actions will need to be taken by all sites where users will
                   be running Chrome:
                    * Upgrade to this release of Totara, or a later one.
                    * Configure the site to run over HTTPS if it is not already doing so.
                    * Enable the 'Secure cookies only' [cookiesecure] setting within Totara
                   For more information on the two changes being made in Chrome please see the
                    * [] Cookies default
                   to SameSite=Lax
                    * [] Reject insecure
                   SameSite=None cookies

    TL-22621       SCORM no longer uses synchronous XHR requests for interaction

                   Chrome, in an upcoming release, will be removing the ability to make
                   synchronous XHR requests during page unload events, including beforeunload,
                   unload, pagehide and visibilitychanged.
                   If JavaScript code attempts to make such a request, the request will fail.
                   This functionality is often used by SCORM to perform a last-second save of
                   the user's progress at the time the user leaves the page. Totara sends this
                   request to the server using XHR. As a consequence of the change Chrome is
                   making, the user's progress would not be saved.
                   The fix introduced with this patch detects page unload events, and if the
                   SCORM package attempts to save state or communicate with the server during
                   unload, the navigation.sendBeacon API will be used (if available) instead
                   of a synchronous XHR request. The purpose of the navigation.sendBeacon API
                   is in line with this use, and it is one of two approaches recommended by
                   The original timeframe for this change in Chrome was with Chrome 78 due out
                   this month. However Chrome has pushed this back now to Chrome 80. More
                   information on this change in Chrome can be found at
                   We recommend all sites that make use of SCORM and who have users running
                   Chrome to update their Totara installations in advance of the Chrome 80

Bug fixes:

    TL-22398       Fixed a potential problem in role_unassign_all_bulk() related to cascaded manual role unassignment

                   The problem may only affect third-party code because the problematic
                   parameter is not used in standard distribution.

    TL-22401       Removed unnecessary use of set context on report builder filters page

Release 2.7.54 (25th October 2019):


    TL-22311       The SameSite cookie attribute is now set to None in Chrome 78 and above

                   Chrome, in an upcoming release, will be introducing a default for the
                   SameSite cookie attribute of 'Lax'.
                   The current behaviour in all supported browsers is to leave the SameSite
                   cookie attribute unset, when not explicitly provided by the server at the
                   time the cookie is first set. When unset or set to 'None', HTTP requests
                   initiated by another site will often contain the Totara session cookie.
                   When set to 'Lax', requests initiated by another site will no longer
                   provide the Totara session cookie with the request.
                   Many commonly used features in Totara rely on third-party requests
                   including the user's session cookie. Furthermore, there are inconsistencies
                   between browsers in how the SameSite=Lax behaviour works. For this reason,
                   we will be setting the SameSite to 'None' for the session cookie when
                   Chrome 78 or later is in use. This will ensure that Totara continues to
                   operate as it has previously in this browser.
                   Due to the earlier mentioned inconsistencies in other browsers, we will not
                   set the SameSite attribute in any other browsers for the time being.
                   TL-22692 has been opened to watch the situation as it evolves and make
                   further improvements to our product when the time is right.
                   This change is currently planned to be made in Chrome 80, which we
                   anticipate will be released Q1 2020.
                   Chrome 80 is bringing another related change as well. Insecure cookies that
                   set SameSite to 'None' will be rejected. This will require that sites both
                   run over HTTPS and have the 'Secure cookies only' setting enabled within
                   Totara (leading to the secure cookie attribute being enabled).
                   The following actions will need to be taken by all sites where users will
                   be running Chrome:
                    * Upgrade to this release of Totara, or a later one.
                    * Configure the site to run over HTTPS if it is not already doing so.
                    * Enable the 'Secure cookies only' [cookiesecure] setting within Totara
                   For more information on the two changes being made in Chrome please see the
                    * [] Cookies default
                   to SameSite=Lax
                    * [] Reject insecure
                   SameSite=None cookies

    TL-22621       SCORM no longer uses synchronous XHR requests for interaction

                   Chrome, in an upcoming release, will be removing the ability to make
                   synchronous XHR requests during page unload events, including beforeunload,
                   unload, pagehide and visibilitychanged.
                   If JavaScript code attempts to make such a request, the request will fail.
                   This functionality is often used by SCORM to perform a last-second save of
                   the user's progress at the time the user leaves the page. Totara sends this
                   request to the server using XHR. As a consequence of the change Chrome is
                   making, the user's progress would not be saved.
                   The fix introduced with this patch detects page unload events, and if the
                   SCORM package attempts to save state or communicate with the server during
                   unload, the navigation.sendBeacon API will be used (if available) instead
                   of a synchronous XHR request. The purpose of the navigation.sendBeacon API
                   is in line with this use, and it is one of two approaches recommended by
                   The original timeframe for this change in Chrome was with Chrome 78 due out
                   this month. However Chrome has pushed this back now to Chrome 80. More
                   information on this change in Chrome can be found at
                   We recommend all sites that make use of SCORM and who have users running
                   Chrome to update their Totara installations in advance of the Chrome 80

Bug fixes:

    TL-22398       Fixed a potential problem in role_unassign_all_bulk() related to cascaded manual role unassignment

                   The problem may only affect third-party code because the problematic
                   parameter is not used in standard distribution.

Release 2.6.71 (25th October 2019):


    TL-22311       The SameSite cookie attribute is now set to None in Chrome 78 and above

                   Chrome, in an upcoming release, will be introducing a default for the
                   SameSite cookie attribute of 'Lax'.
                   The current behaviour in all supported browsers is to leave the SameSite
                   cookie attribute unset, when not explicitly provided by the server at the
                   time the cookie is first set. When unset or set to 'None', HTTP requests
                   initiated by another site will often contain the Totara session cookie.
                   When set to 'Lax', requests initiated by another site will no longer
                   provide the Totara session cookie with the request.
                   Many commonly used features in Totara rely on third-party requests
                   including the user's session cookie. Furthermore, there are inconsistencies
                   between browsers in how the SameSite=Lax behaviour works. For this reason,
                   we will be setting the SameSite to 'None' for the session cookie when
                   Chrome 78 or later is in use. This will ensure that Totara continues to
                   operate as it has previously in this browser.
                   Due to the earlier mentioned inconsistencies in other browsers, we will not
                   set the SameSite attribute in any other browsers for the time being.
                   TL-22692 has been opened to watch the situation as it evolves and make
                   further improvements to our product when the time is right.
                   This change is currently planned to be made in Chrome 80, which we
                   anticipate will be released Q1 2020.
                   Chrome 80 is bringing another related change as well. Insecure cookies that
                   set SameSite to 'None' will be rejected. This will require that sites both
                   run over HTTPS and have the 'Secure cookies only' setting enabled within
                   Totara (leading to the secure cookie attribute being enabled).
                   The following actions will need to be taken by all sites where users will
                   be running Chrome:
                    * Upgrade to this release of Totara, or a later one.
                    * Configure the site to run over HTTPS if it is not already doing so.
                    * Enable the 'Secure cookies only' [cookiesecure] setting within Totara
                   For more information on the two changes being made in Chrome please see the
                    * [] Cookies default
                   to SameSite=Lax
                    * [] Reject insecure
                   SameSite=None cookies

    TL-22621       SCORM no longer uses synchronous XHR requests for interaction

                   Chrome, in an upcoming release, will be removing the ability to make
                   synchronous XHR requests during page unload events, including beforeunload,
                   unload, pagehide and visibilitychanged.
                   If JavaScript code attempts to make such a request, the request will fail.
                   This functionality is often used by SCORM to perform a last-second save of
                   the user's progress at the time the user leaves the page. Totara sends this
                   request to the server using XHR. As a consequence of the change Chrome is
                   making, the user's progress would not be saved.
                   The fix introduced with this patch detects page unload events, and if the
                   SCORM package attempts to save state or communicate with the server during
                   unload, the navigation.sendBeacon API will be used (if available) instead
                   of a synchronous XHR request. The purpose of the navigation.sendBeacon API
                   is in line with this use, and it is one of two approaches recommended by
                   The original timeframe for this change in Chrome was with Chrome 78 due out
                   this month. However Chrome has pushed this back now to Chrome 80. More
                   information on this change in Chrome can be found at
                   We recommend all sites that make use of SCORM and who have users running
                   Chrome to update their Totara installations in advance of the Chrome 80

Release 2.5.77 (25th October 2019):


    TL-22621       SCORM no longer uses synchronous XHR requests for interaction

                   Chrome, in an upcoming release, will be removing the ability to make
                   synchronous XHR requests during page unload events, including beforeunload,
                   unload, pagehide and visibilitychanged.
                   If JavaScript code attempts to make such a request, the request will fail.
                   This functionality is often used by SCORM to perform a last-second save of
                   the user's progress at the time the user leaves the page. Totara sends this
                   request to the server using XHR. As a consequence of the change Chrome is
                   making, the user's progress would not be saved.
                   The fix introduced with this patch detects page unload events, and if the
                   SCORM package attempts to save state or communicate with the server during
                   unload, the navigation.sendBeacon API will be used (if available) instead
                   of a synchronous XHR request. The purpose of the navigation.sendBeacon API
                   is in line with this use, and it is one of two approaches recommended by
                   The original timeframe for this change in Chrome was with Chrome 78 due out
                   this month. However Chrome has pushed this back now to Chrome 80. More
                   information on this change in Chrome can be found at
                   We recommend all sites that make use of SCORM and who have users running
                   Chrome to update their Totara installations in advance of the Chrome 80

Release 2.4.73 (25th October 2019):


    TL-22621       SCORM no longer uses synchronous XHR requests for interaction

                   Chrome, in an upcoming release, will be removing the ability to make
                   synchronous XHR requests during page unload events, including beforeunload,
                   unload, pagehide and visibilitychanged.
                   If JavaScript code attempts to make such a request, the request will fail.
                   This functionality is often used by SCORM to perform a last-second save of
                   the user's progress at the time the user leaves the page. Totara sends this
                   request to the server using XHR. As a consequence of the change Chrome is
                   making, the user's progress would not be saved.
                   The fix introduced with this patch detects page unload events, and if the
                   SCORM package attempts to save state or communicate with the server during
                   unload, the navigation.sendBeacon API will be used (if available) instead
                   of a synchronous XHR request. The purpose of the navigation.sendBeacon API
                   is in line with this use, and it is one of two approaches recommended by
                   The original timeframe for this change in Chrome was with Chrome 78 due out
                   this month. However Chrome has pushed this back now to Chrome 80. More
                   information on this change in Chrome can be found at
                   We recommend all sites that make use of SCORM and who have users running
                   Chrome to update their Totara installations in advance of the Chrome 80

Release 2.2.75 (25th October 2019):


    TL-22621       SCORM no longer uses synchronous XHR requests for interaction

                   Chrome, in an upcoming release, will be removing the ability to make
                   synchronous XHR requests during page unload events, including beforeunload,
                   unload, pagehide and visibilitychanged.
                   If JavaScript code attempts to make such a request, the request will fail.
                   This functionality is often used by SCORM to perform a last-second save of
                   the user's progress at the time the user leaves the page. Totara sends this
                   request to the server using XHR. As a consequence of the change Chrome is
                   making, the user's progress would not be saved.
                   The fix introduced with this patch detects page unload events, and if the
                   SCORM package attempts to save state or communicate with the server during
                   unload, the navigation.sendBeacon API will be used (if available) instead
                   of a synchronous XHR request. The purpose of the navigation.sendBeacon API
                   is in line with this use, and it is one of two approaches recommended by
                   The original timeframe for this change in Chrome was with Chrome 78 due out
                   this month. However Chrome has pushed this back now to Chrome 80. More
                   information on this change in Chrome can be found at
                   We recommend all sites that make use of SCORM and who have users running
                   Chrome to update their Totara installations in advance of the Chrome 80