Totara Learn Open Discussions

Reminder Notification

Issa Ramadhani
Reminder Notification
de Issa Ramadhani - Friday, 1 de November de 2019, 02:24


I want to add reminder notification in my course when user didn't complete certain activity, 

I understand i only can use reminder on Feedback activity, but i want to have more option with other activities, even SCORM files, Test/Quiz etc.


Craig Eves
Re: Reminder Notification
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 3 de November de 2019, 16:30
Grupo Totara

Hi Issa

I can't think of anything in Totara currently that will provide this functionality directly. It is possible to export an activity completion report that can be used to select users for email .

There are external plugins such as Event reminders that provide these features. Totara has event monitoring but this doesn't monitor events that haven't been completed.

Totara are working on a centralised messaging system that will allow messages  to be set up with trigger events

Lisa Rowe
Re: Reminder Notification
de Lisa Rowe - Monday, 4 de November de 2019, 10:28
Grupo Learn Site AdministratorGrupo Partners

Hi Issa,

Catalyst IT have built a plugin called Reengagement that will do what you're describing. You can read up on it here:

Have a chat to your Totara partner to help ensure that it will meet your needs.

Once installed, you can add it to a course like any other activity.

