Totara Learn Open Discussions

HR Import User performance

? ?
HR Import User performance
על ידי ? ? בתאריך 4/11/2019, 03:44

Hi All,

I am trying to import about 11.5 k users into T12 using the HR import functionality. After a while I get a 504 Gateway Timeout which probably suggests that the PHP app is timing out. Only a subset of that is uploaded to the system. Any way to improve this. My max_execution_time is set to 0 and my memory_limit is set to 512MB in php.ini  . !

Also, is there a cli version I could use to work around the issue?



John Wiles
Re: HR Import User performance
על ידי John Wiles בתאריך 4/11/2019, 05:07

If I remember correctly, you will have to adjust the settings on the web server configuration as well. Along with any other php settings (for example php-fpm, if you use it).

? ?
Re: HR Import User performance
על ידי ? ? בתאריך 4/11/2019, 06:45

Using apache and php-apache mod to get around. The only thing that worked for me was setting the time limit to -1 , memory limit to 3gb. It still does on the interface but keeps going in the background and I can see the count of users go up in the db.