Totara Learn Open Discussions

Document Library

? ?
Document Library
di ? ? - Wednesday, 6 November 2019, 08:50


I want to create a document library that potentially could hold hundreds of documents. I want the documents to be available over multiple courses. My logic was to create a Library Dashboard - I can see that I am able to add a Private Files Block that allows the creation of a directory structure. The Private Library is only available on a single user level. Is there anyway that I can create a directory structure outside of a course that will allow access a directory of documents.



Craig Eves
Re: Document Library
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 7 November 2019, 14:02
Gruppo Totara

Hi Peter

It is possible to setup a site wide repository so files are saved and shared on the server. 

A user needs to have the capability view server repository to see the repository  The (site manager, editing trainer and trainer roles have this by default.

To access the files within a course the user needs the manage files capability 

Also read about how to make a copy of the file or make an alias of the file to enable you to use the same file across different courses.


? ?
Re: Document Library
di ? ? - Friday, 8 November 2019, 00:51

Thanks Craig,

your response is very helpful.
