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OAuth2 plugin (2018120300) on Totara Version 12.11 (Build: 20191025.00)

Manir Dhakal
OAuth2 plugin (2018120300) on Totara Version 12.11 (Build: 20191025.00)
par Manir Dhakal, Thursday 7 November 2019, 03:51

Hi there,

We are currently testing single sign on uisng OAuth2 plugin with our O365 accounts. This all seems to work fine but realised the plugin itself doesn't update the 'Authentication method' under user profile.

For example: 

1. USER A is currently using 'Manual accounts' as their authentication method. Under user's profile 'Choose an authentication method is set to Manual Accounts'.

2. USER A then changes across to Single Signon using OAuth2 login process. Successfully logins to the site and the switches over to OAuth2 authentication. But for some reason under user's profile under 'Choose an authentication method is still set to Manual Accounts'. I would have thought authentication method should now be updated to 'OAuth 2'. 

Any ideas if this is a bug or have I misunderstood something?  Just to be clear, although authentication method continues to be set as Manual for USER A, they can only login using the OAuth 2 route as their direct login ability doesn't work anymore.



Craig Eves
Re: OAuth2 plugin (2018120300) on Totara Version 12.11 (Build: 20191025.00)
par Craig Eves (Totara Support), Thursday 7 November 2019, 14:24
Groupe Totara

Hi Manir

I would expect the authentication method to change to OAuth2 is the user has logged in through this method.

What application service are they logging in through Microsoft, Google or Facebook - is there something not setup right in these services?


Manir Dhakal
Re: OAuth2 plugin (2018120300) on Totara Version 12.11 (Build: 20191025.00)
par Manir Dhakal, Friday 8 November 2019, 00:52

Hi Craig,

That is exactly what I thought should be happening as well. Unfortunately this isn't the case?

We are using Microsoft O365. There aren't any obvious settings that I am missing. The strange thing is it still works without any problems. Once the user changes to new OAuth2 authentication method, they can no longer login via the direct/manual method but just creates so much confusion at the admin end.

Is there anywhere else Totara looks for users authentication method? I checked few tables on the database but can't find anything?

Many thanks,
