Totara Learn Open Discussions

Adding Assignment to existing courses

? ?
Adding Assignment to existing courses
על ידי ? ? בתאריך 8/11/2019, 02:32


I'm trying to add an Assignment to a course which already has 800+ users assigned to it and has been established for a number of years. When I add the Assignment, I need to grade the 800+ users assignments, when I only really want this Assignment to apply to users enrolled from now on. Is there a way to filter these users out from a date before this Assignment was created? Or is the only way around this to Duplicate this course and to start afresh?

Thanks for any help you can offer


Craig Eves
Re: Adding Assignment to existing courses
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 10/11/2019, 14:50
קבוצה Totara

Hi Ben

Does the Assignment need to be completed to complete the course . If it does then you can unlock criteria without deleting if you want users who completed the course without the assignment to still be recorded as completed.

There is an option to filter assignments to only show assignments that need grading under Assignment admin > View all submissions.


? ?
Re: Adding Assignment to existing courses
על ידי ? ? בתאריך 13/11/2019, 00:28

Hi Craig,

Many thanks for your response, it's much appreciated. Yes the criteria for completing the course has recently changed. Previously it was just that the staff members would need to attend a Seminar. The new course completion requirements are that the delegates need to be assessed during this seminar, it's for this reason that we want to introduce the Assignment into the course.

We only want to assess delegates who have attended recently though, not the 800+ who have attended over the last couple of years. I've had a play around within Grade Administration, if this is set to Exclude  for the Assignment will this forgo the need for the 800+ current staff members enrolled to have their Assignment graded?