Totara Learn Open Discussions

Retaking a course

Bianca Capponi
Retaking a course
بواسطة Wednesday, 27 November 2019, 10:03 PM - Bianca Capponi
Hi team,

I'm looking for some guidance in how to manage learners retaking a course. To give you some context, we may enforce that all or a subset of employees are required to retake a course in response to an incident (perhaps a complaint received or a performance issue).

This may require them to do an immediate refresher of a certification (irrespective up their due date), a program (which is a once-off they have already completed) or a course.

I'm unsure how I can manage this in Totara? The user is already enrolled and has a completion record. Can I archive the previous record to create a new record that is not yet started?

Keen to hear any suggestions you may have!

Thanks, Bianca

Craig Eves
Re: Retaking a course
بواسطة Thursday, 28 November 2019, 7:15 PM - Craig Eves (Totara Support)
مجموعة Totara

Hi Bianca

I think if you can keep the programs , certifications , courses separate for each audience this would prevent a course being reset by a certification that is in another program or certification. 

Using audience rules to assign to the learning would automate this a bit more. One of the rules can be whether they have completed a certification or course.

There are some actions for importing Certification Completion records that may be helpful 

Certify if more recent

  • If a user is not currently certified, the imported record will be used to mark them certified. If appropriate, the certification window may open and/or expire when cron next runs, causing the completion to be moved to history.
See upload completion record settings for more details
Bianca Capponi
Re: Retaking a course
بواسطة Thursday, 28 November 2019, 8:29 PM - Bianca Capponi

Hi Craig, 

We are importing completion records and this does inform future expiry dates. Perhaps I need to clarify the scenarios we are trying to cater for.

Scenario 1: A learner completes a one-off program Medication Management. 6 months later there is an incident in an aged care facility so we enforce that all employees need to retake the same Medication Management course. The learner is required to repeat the course, how would we assign this given it is already assigned and they have completed it as per the requirement?

Scenario 2: A learner is required to complete Customer Service every 12 months; renewal dates will vary for all learners. There is an incident and in March and need all employees to retake this course. As above, how would this be assigned?

Scenario 3: Learners have several courses available in the Catalogue that they may proactively enrol in and complete. There is an incident and we need to enrol learners in this course; there is a mixture who have and have not proactively completely the course, but regardless, all employees must take the refresher. How would this be assigned?

Thanks, Bianca