Totara Learn Open Discussions

Retaking a course

Re: Retaking a course
CapponiBianca 发表于 2019年11月28日 Thursday 20:29

Hi Craig, 

We are importing completion records and this does inform future expiry dates. Perhaps I need to clarify the scenarios we are trying to cater for.

Scenario 1: A learner completes a one-off program Medication Management. 6 months later there is an incident in an aged care facility so we enforce that all employees need to retake the same Medication Management course. The learner is required to repeat the course, how would we assign this given it is already assigned and they have completed it as per the requirement?

Scenario 2: A learner is required to complete Customer Service every 12 months; renewal dates will vary for all learners. There is an incident and in March and need all employees to retake this course. As above, how would this be assigned?

Scenario 3: Learners have several courses available in the Catalogue that they may proactively enrol in and complete. There is an incident and we need to enrol learners in this course; there is a mixture who have and have not proactively completely the course, but regardless, all employees must take the refresher. How would this be assigned?

Thanks, Bianca