Totara Learn Open Discussions

Add Report Description to Reports List page

Carol Papish-Putnam
Add Report Description to Reports List page
di Carol Papish-Putnam - Tuesday, 3 December 2019, 06:22

Has anyone been able to add the Report Description to the Manage User Reports page?  When I try to add columns to that specific page or to create another report using the Reports data source, Report Description does not appear.  Our implementation partners suggested that we make our report names more descriptive but that only goes so far if you aren't the person who created the report.  If this just isn't possible given the current Reports data source, I would like to ask that Report Description be added.  Thank you.  Carol.

Deborah Jackson
Re: Add Report Description to Reports List page
di Deborah Jackson - Tuesday, 3 December 2019, 07:06

+1 from me



Craig Eves
Re: Add Report Description to Reports List page
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 3 December 2019, 16:37
Gruppo Totara

Hi Carol

The report description isn't one of the columns available in the reports source. I also can't see a feature request for this.

Do you need to search on the Description too? 

Is the Description field data structured in any way or do you just use free text.


Carol Papish-Putnam
Re: Add Report Description to Reports List page
di Carol Papish-Putnam - Tuesday, 3 December 2019, 17:11

Thanks for confirming, Craig.  We do not need to search on the description but just want it to display when we look at the list of reports.  How do I make a feature request?  (As you can see, I got at least a +1 vote so it seems pretty clear that we're not the only user who would like this option.)  Thanks.

Craig Eves
Re: Add Report Description to Reports List page
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 3 December 2019, 17:54
Gruppo Totara

Hi Carol

To create a feature request ticket through the Helpdesk - if you aren't a Totara partner then contact your partner to create one.


Carol Papish-Putnam
Re: Add Report Description to Reports List page
di Carol Papish-Putnam - Wednesday, 4 December 2019, 07:07

Thank you, Craig.  I will contact my partner to get that done.  Carol.