Totara Learn Open Discussions

v12 - Shared computer with multiple users logging in - security options?

Adam Parr
v12 - Shared computer with multiple users logging in - security options?
von Adam Parr – Wednesday, 11 December 2019, 1:37 AM

Hi all,

I am looking to implement v12 on Totara, one potential issue that we may face is that users share PC's and so there could be a risk of other users accessing another colleagues learning profile.  Taking a look at the security settings i'm not sure how this risk can be negated with the persistent log-in feature.

Has anyone faced the same issue, and if so, I would be interested to understand how you have managed this risk?

Thank you in advance,


Re: v12 - Shared computer with multiple users logging in - security options?
von George Angus – Wednesday, 11 December 2019, 5:05 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Adam,

The users would have to remember to log out, or you would have to disable the persistent login feature.

The users could have their own logins to the PC, or into their own browser, but really if you are using a shared machine you should take care to log out, this would be the case in internet cafes, or public libraries etc.

Can I ask why you want to use Persistent login? Why not just increase the session time if you're concerned about the potential security risk?



Adam Parr
Re: v12 - Shared computer with multiple users logging in - security options?
von Adam Parr – Tuesday, 17 December 2019, 6:13 AM

Hi George,

Thanks for taking the time to get back to me on this.  I think that based on this we will be disabling the persistent login feature.

