Totara Learn Open Discussions

Controlling Program Enrollments from learning plans

Patricia Houghton
Controlling Program Enrollments from learning plans
HoughtonPatricia 发表于 2019年12月11日 Wednesday 14:37
小组 Partners

Looking for recommendations or creative ways to keep learners from enrolling in programs/certifications via the learning plan function.  Or, alternatively, any system settings that would allow us to remove the self-enrollment mechanism at the program/certification level but still allow learners to see the program and indicate interest.  

Here's what's happening: 
  1. The default Learning Plan template includes Courses, Objectives, Programs and Certifications.  
  2. Programs/certifications need to remain visible in the course catalog for marketing purposes.
  3. Learners see the programs and adds them to their not-yet-approved learning plan. In our research we see that even without manager's approval of the program, the learner is now enrolled in the program.  
Here's why that's a problem for us.  
  1. Some programs have certain criteria for enrollment, requiring applicants to submit their names to a committee for selection.
  2. Some programs have a tuition fee that must be paid prior to attending.  We do not have any ecommerce features enabled at this time.
  3. Some programs/certs are comprised of many courses (we have one that has close to 20) so turning the self-enrollment function off at the course level wouldn't be feasible.    
We need control at the program level to say "no self-enrollment at the program level."  In essence, we need an approval workflow at the program level, similar to the approval workflow at the course/seminar activity level - does something like this exist?

Is there a system setting that allows us to control/approve program enrollment that we are missing?  Does anyone have any suggestions that we might try?

Totara v.12.10

Craig Eves
Re: Controlling Program Enrollments from learning plans
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2019年12月11日 Wednesday 16:14
小组 Totara

Hi Patricia

I tried this in 12.12 and the user wasn't enrolled in the program if the plan hadn't been approved. The progress shows not assigned and doesn't show in the Record of Learning.

The program shows in the course catalogue and says you are not enrolled in program.

Can you confirm that your learning plan workflow Advanced workflow settings  have Approve request for Learner and Manager Approve.


Patricia Houghton
Re: Controlling Program Enrollments from learning plans
HoughtonPatricia 发表于 2019年12月11日 Wednesday 19:17
小组 Partners

Thank you for your prompt response!  Yes.  I can confirm the settings for the learning plan template are similar to what you display