Totara Learn Open Discussions

Source Code for Totara

Source Code for Totara
?? 发表于 2019年12月19日 Thursday 05:25

Hi Guys, I am currently using moodle and wishes to upgrade from moodle to Totara. I have found all documentation on how to do the upgrade but i can't seem to find the source code for totara. Can anyone help or point me in the right direction please.

Best Wishes

2020年01月4日 Saturday 23:20
Craig Eves
Re: Source Code for Totara
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2020年01月5日 Sunday 12:51
小组 Totara

Hi Sheick

The Totara code is only available to Totara partners through the subscriptions portal - if you don't have access then contact your partner and they can advise.


Re: Source Code for Totara
?? 发表于 2020年01月16日 Thursday 04:26

Hi Craig,

thanks for getting back to me, the link does not seem to be working. Can you provide an alternative link please.



Craig Eves
Re: Source Code for Totara
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2020年01月20日 Monday 15:39
小组 Totara

Hi Sheick

Alternatively the subscription portal can be accessed through the Community site and Subscription link.

I searched for your name in the subscription portal and can't find you - if you are working for a partner then the partner will be able to provide you access to the download area.


Re: Source Code for Totara
KirkAndy 发表于 2020年01月21日 Tuesday 05:15

Hi Sheick, Totara Learn is available as a product subscription via our partner network. You can view the partners here

You will need to have a subscription for your organisation in order to access the source code, but partners can also assist in a wide range of related services and support for your platform.