Totara Learn Open Discussions

Emails for Online Courses

? ?
Emails for Online Courses
de ? ? - Monday, 13 de January de 2020, 06:21


It seems we are having trouble with our system sending out emails for online training. Specifically, we would like our system to send out a registration confirmation when a user "Enrolls" in an online course, meaning that it gets added to their Learning Record and their progress is recorded. Is there somewhere we can go in the system to check on the status of system-generated emails?


Craig Eves
Re: Emails for Online Courses
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 13 de January de 2020, 15:08
Grupo Totara

Hi Dale

There is a report source messages that you can use to create a report of messages sent. There are some types of messages that aren't included here unfortunately.

We are developing a centralised notification system so all messages are sent through the same method so they will all be able to be tracked in the future.
