Totara Learn Open Discussions

Program - restrict access

Jennifer Lam
Program - restrict access
بواسطة Tuesday, 14 January 2020, 3:17 AM - Jennifer Lam

Hi all,

I am still new to Totara and hope you guys can solve my question!

We are currently using version 9. May I ask if there is anyway we can stop the learner accessing to the content in a program after they have completed? But allow them to access to the courses that they have completed.

For example, they need to complete 3 out of 10 courses in order to complete the program and due date is 7 Dec 2019.

When they have completed on say 5 Dec 2019. They should then only be allowed to access to those 3 courses that they have completed but not the other 7 courses. After the 7th, they are not allowed to see any content at all but the record of completion is kept for reports.

I hope I explained myself well there.



Craig Eves
Re: Program - restrict access
بواسطة Tuesday, 14 January 2020, 7:11 PM - Craig Eves (Totara Support)
مجموعة Totara

Hi Jen

It is possible to control visibility of courses and programs through audience based visibility.

If you unenrol the users and select visibility to enrolled users and members of audience then only members of the audience will be able to see the courses/program. 

You could create a dynamic audience rule that only selects people who have completed the program and these could be given visibility of courses 

