Totara Community Updates

Competition update and personalisation webinar today!

Matt Linaker
Competition update and personalisation webinar today!
di Matt Linaker - Wednesday, 22 January 2020, 02:46
Gruppo Totara

Hi everyone,

Would you like your learners to have a unique and personalised experience? Totara Learn offers a range of customisation and personalisation tools that you can start using today. Join Senior Solutions Consultant Meredith Henson at 16.00 GMT / 10.00 CST to learn how you can leverage functionality on your Totara Learn site to ensure your learners have a customised experience. If you can’t wait to learn more about personalising your site have a look at our feature sheet on personalisation.

Next week, on the 29th at 15.00 GMT / 9.00 CST we’ll be walking you through how to create responsive learning with the Adapt authoring tool. We’ll take you behind the scenes and show you what we’ve put together in the Totara Academy and give you tips on how to create your own training using Adapt.

Next month on the 26th February at 10.00 GMT we’ll be focusing on how font choices can affect communication. Every time we read a piece of text we're being subtly communicated to by the font it’s set in. In this webinar join Matt Stokes, Totara’s Visual Design Lead as he provides tips on how to make your communication more effective.  

Have a look at all our upcoming webinars.

Competitions update

We’ve got two delegate tickets to give away for the conference at Learning Technologies and two ways to win. Last week we launched a competition to give these away. We’ve set up a time trial to see how fast you can set up a user. So far, you’ve not disappointed! The competition has been tight with the top ten people able to set up a user in under 10 seconds! Could you do it faster to win the ticket (subject to terms and conditions)? Give it a go now. We’ve seen 550 attempts so far!

If you prefer to take your time over things and think carefully about the best way to do something, then we’ve got something for you too. We know that many people are having informal catch-ups or check-ins with their teams, but these look very different across organisations. So, to gather more information we’d love to learn more about what check-ins mean to you.  Take our check-ins survey to be in with a chance of winning a delegate ticket (subject to terms and conditions).

Both competitions will close on the 2nd February 2020. The competitions are open to all Totara Partners and subscribers with up-to-date profiles in the Community.

New Year’s resolutions

How are yours going? If you’ve abandoned them already then it’s not too late to start a new one! How about starting an Academy program? You can learn all about the core Totara features and ensure you’re up to date on the latest functionality available.

If you're really interested in making changes, start small! We recommend the book Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg. If you’ve got any book recommendations we've set up a forum that you can share them in. 

Follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter to stay up to date with all of our latest news and events.