Totara Learn Open Discussions

Online groups/slacks for curriculum developers

Matt Williams
Online groups/slacks for curriculum developers
بواسطة Thursday, 30 January 2020, 9:21 AM - Matt Williams

Does anyone know of any online groups or slacks or gitters discords or any other communications platform groups that are focused on folks building out trainings? For example, I am an Evangelist at Datadog and I belong to a slack group for Evangelists and we have other tech evangelists and dev relations folks from hundreds of software companies exchanging ideas. Having something around curriculum dev/training/any other title for this stuff would be pretty useful. 

Do you know of such a group? 

Rachel Griffith-Boyes
Re: Online groups/slacks for curriculum developers
بواسطة Tuesday, 4 February 2020, 5:46 AM - Rachel Griffith-Boyes
مجموعة Totara

Hi Matt,

This is a great question, thanks for raising it. We'd be more than happy to host this kind of conversation here on the Totara Community if you and others think it would be an appropriate place. We have thousands of active users, many of whom are responsible for creating both face-to-face and online learning. I'd be interested to know if others think having a separate space for this kind of discussion would be useful? If so, we're very happy to facilitate it.

In case you're not aware of them, we do also have a series of courses for Course Creators in the Totara Academy if you're looking to expand your knowledge. 

Look forward to hearing others' thoughts on this idea, and thanks again for starting the conversation. 


Matt Williams
Re: Online groups/slacks for curriculum developers
بواسطة Tuesday, 4 February 2020, 6:28 AM - Matt Williams

i think this is a great group for folks who are using totara, or maybe even moodle. But I doubt a Blackboard user, or a OpenEdX user, or a Udemy user would think to login here, and we all probably have interesting things to share with each other that crosses platforms. I have found the evangelist/developer advocate slack to be incredibly useful for sharing ideas about how we do our jobs, regardless of platforms or employers.