Totara Learn Open Discussions

Clearing Certifications

Clearing Certifications
WilesJohn 发表于 2020年02月1日 Saturday 09:54

After importing certifications into Totara v11, we discovered an issue where we had imported an incorrect source field. Luckily the imported certifications affected are imported into empty shells.

I've been working on a way to bulk clear them out manually from the database (on my development copy) and thought I had gone through the import code well enough to map out the tables. It appears I am either missing some, or the import is incorrectly flagging duplicates and still importing the records. My queries further restrict the data by the program id, and the user id of the users I'm interested in, and certifid as applicable.

It is executing the $errorsql and setting the action to skip because $sameasprevious is true and $certcompletion->timecompleted equals $lasttimecompleted found in completionimport/lib.php.

Briefly, the tables I've found are:

Thanks for any assistance in advance.

Craig Eves
Re: Clearing Certifications
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2020年02月2日 Sunday 15:05
小组 Totara

Hi John

The database schema is available here that shows how the tables link to each other and the indexes used . Hopefully this helps to see what is going on.
