Totara Learn Open Discussions

Resizing a lesson page with H5P

? ?
Resizing a lesson page with H5P
de ? ? - Wednesday, 11 de March de 2020, 14:08


We use the {h5p:activity_name} to embed a H5P in a lesson page.  However I notice that for some H5P activity the lesson page doesn't open large enough to see the entire H5P.

Does anyone know how to resize this?

Craig Eves
Re: Resizing a lesson page with H5P
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 15 de March de 2020, 17:29
Grupo Totara

Hi Janne

Just to rule out something in your theme that may be affecting the size can you try selecting the unmodified standard Totara theme to see if the content is displayed Ok. 


? ?
Re: Resizing a lesson page with H5P
de ? ? - Sunday, 15 de March de 2020, 18:12
Thanks for your response Craig - sorry - but where do I go to do that?
Craig Eves
Re: Resizing a lesson page with H5P
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 15 de March de 2020, 18:59
Grupo Totara

Hi Janne

The Basis theme can be selected in Totara under Site admin > Appearance > Theme selector in recent versions of Totara.


? ?
Re: Resizing a lesson page with H5P
de ? ? - Monday, 30 de March de 2020, 20:57

HI Craig

Sorry for the delay - COVID has sort of thrown everything out of routine.  I tried the Standard Totara theme and it's better - but it still cuts it off.  Have you got any other resize suggestions?